اعضاء متميزون

السبت، 2 فبراير 2013

“吉利” (橘子绿茶燕菜)Mandarin & Jasmine Green Tea Cup Jellies with Lychee

新年里,家家户户山珍海味,大大肉, 更少不了吃了再吃想再吃的年。吃了油和燥的,因身体来个清凉的吧!

今天大家分享一个非常有春意的后甜品,名叫“ 吉利”“大吉大利”。“吉”(里用了橘子)“利” 里用了绿茶)还真的蛮有意思的。 橘子绿茶配搭的燕菜,口味清新, 也有淡淡茉莉花香。荔枝也是春节不可少的水果, 用来做装饰,有春回大地之意。 燕菜用杯子乘着,不但省下脱模的功夫,而且也给人有种焕然一新的感觉。

吉。利。 (橘子绿茶燕菜)

200ml 橘子汁
7g 燕菜 (一包)
70g 砂糖(甜度依个人口味)
200ml 滚水

橘子和荔枝 (我用罐头)

1。 将滚水泡茶,让茶包浸大约十分钟。

2。 将全部材料用中小火煮熟,慢火煮一分钟。然后倒入茶杯冷却。

3。 用橘子和荔枝装饰

Mandarin & Jasmine Tea Cup Jellies with Lychee
(makes approximately 5 tea cup jellies)

200ml Juice of 2 -3 fresh mandarins
7g (1 pkt ) agar agar powder
70g sugar ( adjust to your liking)
200ml boiling water
1 jasmine green tea bag
400ml water

Lychee & mandarin (I used can lychee & mandarin)

Place boiling water and tea bag in a mug and leave to steep until it is strong enough to your liking, at least 10 mins. Discard the tea bag.

In a small saucepan, mix well all ingredients, agar-agar powder, tea, sugar and mandarin juice and water and bring to boil in medium heat. Let it simmer of a minute.  

Pour into tea cups and let it set. Decorate with mandarin & Lychee.

Recipe adapted from: Raspberry Cupcakes

I am submitting this post to Chinese New Year Delights 2013 hosted by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover *

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