اعضاء متميزون

الأربعاء، 25 أبريل 2012

Layered Gelato Cake (1st Wedding Anniversary)

上了这则贴子,我就和老公回到我们一年前共结连理的巴厘岛去庆祝我们的结婚一周年纪念了。 巴厘的白皙沙魅力十足,个四季草木青翠、山花漫、有迷人海岛屿每年吸引着100多万来自世界各地的游客。而每年到巴厘岛举行婚礼或度蜜月的成千上万恋人,更使里成了国上的婚礼之都从珀斯到巴厘岛和从吉隆坡到巴厘岛都大概只需三个半小的行程,了公平起,我决定了双方的戚朋友可以相遇在两国半途的岛屿,留下美好的回
婚礼的一切筹备,我都和Ayana Resort 的婚礼部门用电邮接洽, 教堂礼仪,和一切琐碎事务都交给他们去处理。Ayana Resort 的水上玻璃教堂,置于Jimbaran海边,曾被国外多家旅游杂志喻为世界最浪漫婚礼举办地之一,除了亲戚朋友,整个印度洋和上主也为我们的誓约作了见证。

Layered Gelato Cake

1 packet jam roll
125ml raspberry jam (I used raspberry framboise liqueur sauce)

Mango Gelato
½ cup caster sugar
1.5 tsp gelatin powder
sprinkle salt
300ml whipping cream
398ml can of sliced mango, drained
1 large egg white (room temperature)

Raspberry Gelato
½ cup  caster sugar
1.5 tsp gelatin powder
sprinkle salt
300ml whipping cream
2.5 cups fresh of frozen raspberries
1 large egg white (room temperature)

Fresh raspberries /strawberries


Cut each jam roll into 2cm slices. Fit the slices in the bottom of ungreased 25cm (10 inch) spring-form pan. Arrange slices around inside edge of pan.  (I used a 6 inch and 4 inch spring-form pan).

Spoon raspberry jam/ sauce over the bottom layer jam roll slices. Spread evenly to cover completely. Cover with glad wrap and freeze.

Mango Gelato:

Combine sugar, gelatin and salt in small saucepan. Add cream. Heat and stir on medium for 3 to 4 minutes until sugar and gelatin are dissolved completely. Cool slightly.

Puree mango in a blender until smooth. Add to gelatin mixture. Stir.

Beat egg white in a medium bowl until soft peaks form. Fold mango mixture into egg whites. Spread evenly in ungreased 22 x 22cm (9x9 inch) pan. Freeze, uncovered for about 1 hour until slushy. Transfer to separate bowl. Beat on high until foamy and light. Makes about 550ml mango gelato. Spread evenly over the jam roll. Cover. Freeze for 2 hours.

Raspberry Gelato:

Combine sugar, gelatin and salt in small saucepan. Add cream. Heat and stir on medium for 3 to 4 minutes until sugar and gelatin are dissolved completely. Cool slightly.

Puree raspberry in a blender until smooth. Sift to remove seeds. Discard seeds. You should have about 250ml raspberry puree. Add to gelatin mixture. Stir.

Beat egg white in a medium bowl until soft peaks form. Fold raspberry mixture into egg whites. Spread evenly in ungreased 22 x 22cm (9x9 inch) pan. Freeze, uncovered for about 1 hour until slushy. Transfer to separate bowl. Beat on high until foamy and light. Makes about 500ml raspberry gelato. Spread evenly over the mango layer. Cover.

Freeze for  at least 8 hours or overnight until firm. Let stand for room temperature for 20 minutes or in refrigerator for 1 hour before cutting.

Decorate with raspberries or strawberries. (I decorate with strawberries and glaze strawberries with melted apricot jam).

Recipe adapted from : Jean Pare, Decadent Desserts; pg., 106


Tresna Chapel-水上玻璃教堂


亲手缝纫的ring pillow



Our first dance : Jai Ho , Song by bride: 为你钟情, song by groom: dancing queen
Dances: Macarena & line dance & etc..etc

الاثنين، 23 أبريل 2012

缤纷长崎蛋糕-Confetti Castella

崎蛋糕也是跟之作吧!但是我是等刮得没有这样强才上冒出来的。 我没有那个木模,是跟姐姐借来试用的。我没有这么pandai,第一个就成功出炉呵呵!第一个的蛋糕有沉淀的迹象因该是打得不够发而且也发得不够满,难看极了。第二个,发得很好了,只是烘焙时间不够,上面就有烘不够的状况,有些粘粘的。这是第三个,我是用了我的新玩具打出来的(我的桌面搅拌机跛脚了,走起来有一跛一跛的状况)。



80 細砂糖, 
50 蜂蜜,
75 奶,
10 SP
55 高粉 过筛
90 低粉 过筛

50 溶化牛油

10 味霖 


1.将全部材料(A), 以慢速拌均勻。(大概两分钟)

食谱参考:Jane's Corner

粟米大集会-粟米发糕+粟米戚风(Sweet Corn Chiffon+Huat Kuih)

原本买了一罐粟米想来做慢煎糕的,但是上个星期鲸鱼竟然来了一个粟米戚风,事隔一天,Ah Loy(做个快了的自己)又上一个粟米发糕,搞到我乱了阵脚,索性换plan,一口气做了两样不同的粟米糕。慢煎糕啊,看来你真的要慢慢的排期一下了。。呵呵!
这个发糕真的爆发力很强,竟然挤破了我的纸杯,不得不拿cupcake纸杯来包装一下。我想啊,要是我钱包里的钱有像这样的发到爆出来就好咯!哈哈!这个发糕因为是用了包粉,所以口感有一点不一样,像吃包多过吃糕!Ah Loy 你是不是也这样认为呢?
至于这个粟米戚风呢,因该也是当红的戚风口味吧。 我只用了三粒蛋的份量因为想做两个12cm4寸)的小戚风。谢谢Ah Loy和鲸鱼帮我解决掉我的粟米。



220g 包粉

65g 糖粉
35g 牛油
120g 罐装玉米
1茶匙 双倍



220g Hong Kong flour
65g icing sugar
1.5tsp instant yeast
1 egg
60ml milk
35g butter (melted)
120g creamy corn
1 tsp double action powder

1. Mix all ingredients well.  Cover with cling wrap and prove for 1 hour.

2. Pour mixture in (1) into small paper cups until full. Sprinkle a “+”sign demerara sugar on top of the batter. Steam on high heat for 25minutes or until a skewer inserted in the centre comes out clear.


粟米戚风/Sweet Corn Chiffon
A)                                         (A)
3个蛋黄,                          3 egg yolk
15克糖,                       15g caster sugar
植物油30克,                   30g grape seed oil
玉米(罐60克)         60g creamy corn
低粉50克,                       50g low protein flour
玉米粉10克                       10g corn flour
B)                                         (B)
3个蛋白,                          3 egg whites
1/4tsp塔塔粉,              1/4 cream of tartar
糖25克                            25g caster sugar

*一般7做法                  * use chiffon method
我用2x12cm (2x4寸)的小型模,烘160C 26分钟。
I used 2x 12cm (2x 4inch) chiffon mould, bake in preheat oven 160C for 26mins. 

الجمعة، 20 أبريل 2012

簡易豬腸粉 Simple Chee Cheong Fun

今天一早起来就忽然想吃猪肠粉。因该不是忽然吧,因为之前做了芋头糕,这芋头糕和猪肠粉对我来说都是息息相关的。记得在马六甲时我很爱猪肠粉配芋头糕的早餐,这两样搭在一起是绝配的。还有淋上那个红红的甜酱(要多多)我超喜欢呐。 我最喜欢马六甲三宝井(旧友谊包店)旁边小巷aunty的猪肠粉和芋头糕了,虽然离家很远但是也会常特地驾车去打包早餐。这个档口要排队的horr!不是很容易吃得到的。要有耐心和算准aunty出来摆档子的时间。

这是我第一次试做猪肠粉,原来一点都不难,而且我还真的吃得津津有味。做了4条,我全吃完!吃饱了,又继续想卖猪肠粉的aunty。。因为我在帮她算钱,哇!这个东西真的材料很少又很容易做,她赚很多钱叻! 呵呵!

簡易豬腸粉/ Simple Chee Cheong Fun
材料:                  Ingrediets:
(可做4条)       (Make 4 rolls)
粘米粉  80g          rice flour 80g
粟粉  5g                 corn flour 5g
澄麵  5g                 wheat starch 5g 
  330ml              water 330ml
  5ml                   oil 5ml
配料:                     sauce:
甜豉油                  sweet soy sauce (method refer below)
甜醬(海鮮醬)     Hoy Sin Sauce 
芝麻醬                 sesame oil
白芝麻                white sesame seeds
青葱                    green onion chopped
甜豉油:                To make sweet soy sauce
老抽  1湯匙          1 tbs dark soy sauce (I used kichap manis) 
生抽  2湯匙          2tbs soy sauce
  1湯匙              1 tbs sugar
  4湯匙              4 tbs water
1)将老抽,生抽,糖和水一起倒入容器内拌至糖溶解 (我放入微波炉叮5秒)
Mix kichap manis, soy sauce, sugar and water together and stir until sugar dissolved. (I put into microwave to heat for 5sec).
1) 粘米粉, 粟粉, 澄麵和水拌勻至完全沒有粉粒.
Mix all flour and water together until you get a smooth batter.

2) 加入油拌勻.
Mix in oil.

3) 準備一隻方形的金屬碟(我用9寸烘)作為腸粉蒸盆, 用廚房紙抹上薄薄一層油
Prepare a flat pan to steam the chee cheong fun (I use a 9inch square pan). Use a paper towel to lightly grease thepan.

4) 每次入粉漿前必須將之調勻, 才倒進糕盤, 份量要薄和均勻
Make sure you stir the batter well each time before pouring the batter into the pan. Pour a thin layer of batter.

Steam on high heat for 3-4 minutes or until cook.

6)取出後, 用刮刀或小刀沿邊輕劃, 以便捲起腸粉
Scrap the che chong fun from the side with a scrapper

Slowly roll it up into a tube like shape.

8) 伴以甜豉油, 甜醬, 芝麻醬,参巴,和炒香的白芝麻即成 .
Drizzle with sesame oil, white sesame seeds and chopped green onion. Serve with sweet soy sauce, hoy sin sauce and sambal as you like.

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