اعضاء متميزون

الأحد، 8 يوليو 2012

玫瑰面包 (Rose Bread)



320克高粉,40克幼糖,10克奶粉, 5克,6克酵母
1.           将所有材料,除牛油以外混合均匀,慢速拌成面越2分
2.           拌成及有筋性,才加入牛油, 用慢速拌, 再中速。拌至可拉开薄膜的段。
3.           盖着酵1小或至双倍大。
4.           将面分割成20克,,休面15分
5.           松弛后的面团擀成圆形,每4个一组错开排起来,放上芝士条,从最上面一片开始卷成卷。这里容易犯个错误,就是从最外面的一片开始卷,结果做出来是风车状,不是花。
6.           将面团平均切成2份,切面朝下放在模具或烤盘中,在温暖湿润处进行最后发酵。
7.           最后发酵结束,表面刷蛋液,入预热180℃的烤箱,中层,上下火,15分钟。

(A) 320g Bread Flour, 40g caster sugar, 10g milk powder, 6g active dry yeast, , 5g Salt, 165g water, 25g egg
(B) 30g Butter

1.) Mix all ingredients (A) at slow speed for 2 -3 mins

2.) Add in butter.  Increase speed and continue kneading for 15 mins or until dough is no longer sticky and does not break when pulled to perform window test.

3.) Place dough in a slightly oiled bowl and leave to proof until double in size.

4.) Divide dough into 20g each, roll into small ball shape and leave to proof for 15mins.

5.) Flatten each ball and roll out into round shape (about 8-9cm diameter). Arrange four pieces round dough together, half cover each other. (I arrange cheddar cheese stripe on corner of the top round dough). Then start to roll from the upper round dough. Cut the long tube like dough into two (Please click Here to see the steps of making rose bun).

6.) Let them proof for 30-40 minutes until double in size.

7.) Brush the buns with egg wash and bake in preheated oven 180C for 15-18 minutes.

食谱参考: 东东家的直接法;面包造型自由大师 


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