اعضاء متميزون

الخميس، 17 نوفمبر 2011

Golden Pear Cupcakes

自从那天做了mini pizza cookies,用了那一丁点的marzipan之后,剩余的一直都在freezer等着下一个project。于是就成就了今天的金梨杯子小蛋糕。每次看到烘焙师傅用金粉来装饰蛋糕,觉得有一种华丽的感觉,可是我从来没有用过金粉于是很好奇的买了小罐的金粉回来试试。喜欢手工艺品的我当然觉得这个是挺好玩的玩意。我慢慢的将一颗一颗的梨子彩上金色,在加工后的梨子就变的华丽了许多。

今天这个frosting我是一个同事介绍给我的。因为她在几个月前去上了cupcake sugar icing 班,师傅介绍了这个给她们。 这个不含胆固醇的cream除了质地非常幼滑之外(好像McDonald’s Sundea),只需加上stabilizer打到硬挺就可以用了。做法非常简单,而且剩余的可以直接受入冰阁等要用时退冰就可再用。今天我又去了那家店里买东西,正巧有一位女士在问店员这个cream, 我很“鸡婆”的插把嘴,帮忙推销了一下哈哈!我不知道其他地方可不可以找到这个,但是因为蛋糕很松软就算搭上基本的whipped cream frosting 也可以一样可口。

今天就跟大家分享这个Golden Pear Cupcakes,也是来自同一本之前介绍过的书籍Cupcakes-a fine selection of sweet treats

Marzipan Pear (Refer to Mini Pizza Cookies)

1 ½ cups  (165g) ground almond
1 ½ cups icing sugar, sifted
¾ cup caster sugar
1 egg white
¼ tsp almond essence (optional)
1 tbsp cold water
a few drops of yellow colouring

1) To make marzipan place all ingredients in a food processer and pulse until the mixture comes together to form a firm paste. 

2) Shape the marzipan into pear shape. Brush with edible gold powder and top with clove stick. Leave to dry overnight for later use.

Pear Cupcake

150g unsalted butter, softened
100g brown sugar
2 eggs
1/4 tsp mocha paste (original recipe is without mocha flavour)
155g self-raising flour, sifted
125ml milk
135g tinned pears, well drained and chopped

1) Preheat the oven to 180°C.

2) Beat the butter and sugar together with electric beaters until light and creamy. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Mix in mocha paste. Fold in flour alternately with milk. Fold in the pears. Divide the mixture evenly among the cases. Bake for 18-20 minutes, or until a skewer comes on clean when inserted into the centre of a cake. Transfer onto a wire rack to cool.

3) Beat the Dream Whip until firm peaks form (approx. 15-20 minutes)

4) Decorate with Dream Whip and top with golden marzipan pear. 

Reference: Cupcake, a fine selection of sweet treats, pg34

Dream Whip-好吃,好用价钱又便宜的frosting


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