اعضاء متميزون

السبت، 30 يونيو 2012

椰蓉蔓越莓面包 (汤种)Coconut Cranberry Bread (Tangzhong)

50g 高筋面粉



52g白糖 (custer sugar)
10g中筋面粉(All purpose flour)
24g碎椰蓉(Unsweetened fine coconut)
1/3茶匙椰蓉香精 (coconut essence)
2tbs融化黄油(melted butter
1/4打散 14 slightly beaten egg
1/4cup 蔓越莓14cup cranberries


1.  75g水中,加入高筋面粉50g, 拌成,盖上保膜, 放入冰箱12后取出使用.

2. 把材料A倒入拌盆中, 拌器先慢速2

3. 加入种,继续以低速3 成中速继续搅拌。

4. 拌成及有筋性,才加入B 用慢速拌, 中速。拌至可拉开薄膜的段。

5. 取出面,放入已抹油的大碗中, 酵成双倍大

6. 取出面,排气, 松弛15.

7. 把面团擀36cm x 25cm长方型,上椰蓉料,洒上蔓越莓。卷起然后切成九片,排入上油的烤行最后酵。

8. 酵完 刷上蛋液, 放入预热180‘C的烤箱, 12-15

Water Roux:
50g Bread Flour
75g boiling water

Bread Dough:
160g Bread Flour, 40g Plain Flour, 7g Active Dry East, 50g Sugar, 2g Salt, 1 Egg 
 40g Butter

Coconut Filling:
52g custer sugar
10g All purpose flour
24g Unsweetened fine coconut
1/3 coconut essence(optional)
2tbs melted butter
14 egg slightly beaten
14cup cranberries

To make the filling:
Mix sugar, flour, desiccated coconut in a bowl and mix well. Add in melted butter mix well. Then, stir in egg and mix well, set aside.

 Method :
1. Mix water roux ingredients together in a bowl. Cover bowl with cling wrap and store in fridge for 12 hours.

2. Add flour, yeast, sugar, salt,egg and water. Start mixing at slow speed for 2 mins. Add salt and continue to knead until dough lifts from the wall of the mixing bowl.

3. Add water roux and continue to knead for 3 mins.

4. Add butter and increasing kneading speed to medium high.

5. Continue kneading for 15 mins until dough is no longer sticky and does not break when pulled to perform window test.

6. Place dough in a slightly oiled bowl. Cover with cling wrap and leave to proof until double in size.

7. Roll the dough into a round ball and leave to proof for 15mins.

8. Flatten the dough and roll to a rectangle shape (36cm x 25cm). Spread coconut filling on the dough and sprinkle with cranberries. Roll the dough into Swiss roll shape and divide into 9 pieces.

9. Leave to proof until double in size (about 1 hour).

11. Brush with egg wash and and bake at preheated 180C for 12-15mins until brown. 


Oreo &Cream Cheese Blondie

Oreo &Cream Cheese Blondie

200g butter, softened
175g brown sugar (I used 130g)
250g all purpose flour, sifted
1 tsp baking powder, sifted
200g white chocolate, melted
125g cream cheese
150g oreo biscuits chopped

1.Preheat oven to 180C. Place the butter and sugar in the bowl and beat with electric beater until pale and creamy.

2. Gradually add in eggs, beating well after each addition, and vanilla extract and beat until combined.

3. Add the flour, baking powder and chocolate and beat until combined.

4. Spoon half of the mixture into a lightly grease 20cm x 30cm tin lined with non-stick baking paper and top with spoonfuls of cream cheese. Sprinkle with the biscuits, spoon over the remaining blondies mixture and spread to cover biscuits completely.

5. Bake for 25-30 minutes or until cooked when tested with a skewer. Allow to cool in the tin. Slice to serve.

Reference : Donna Hay Magazine Issue 59 Oct/Nov 2011, pg 195

Pandan Layer Cake II


材料:                          Ingredients:
(A)                               (A)
4 蛋白                     4 egg whites
1/2tsp 塔塔粉             1/2 tsp cream of tartar
70g 幼糖                     70g caster sugar 

(B)                               (B)
4 蛋黄                    4 egg yolks
50g 幼糖                    50g caster sugar
125ml 粟米油           125ml corn oil
80ml                   80ml coconut milk
½ tsp                     1/2 salt
½ tsp paste         1/2 tsp pandan paste

(C)                               (C)
120g 特幼粉              120g super fine flour (sifted)

做法/ Method:
1) 将材料A至硬性.
Beat A until stiff peak form

2) 将材料B的幼糖加入蛋黄里,再依序加入粟米油及椰浆搅拌均匀.
Add caster sugar in B into egg yolk and mix well. Follow by mixing in corn oil and coconut milk.

3) 1/3的蛋白倒入蛋黄糊内,接着入材料C,拌匀.
Fold 1/3 of egg white in (1)  into egg yolk batter (2) then fold in (C).

4) 再加入剩余的蛋白轻轻搅拌均匀.
Fold in the rest of 2/3 egg white.

5) 将拌好的面糊,倒入30x21cm寸烤模,放入预热烤箱以180度烘烤15-18.
Pour the batter into a lined (without grease) 30x21cm swiss roll pan. Bake in preheated oven 180C for 15-18 minutes.

6) 蛋糕蛋糕出炉移至网架撕开4蛋糕.
Remove cake from the oven and cool the cake on a wire rack.

7) 等蛋糕冷却后,将蛋糕切成3 (我用Rocher巧克力盒子先在蛋糕上印一下然后把蛋糕依样切成3).
Cut the cake into 3 pieces (I used Rocher chocolate box to slightly press on the cake, then cut the cake according to the mark. Cut 3 pieces rectangle shape).

兰酱 Pandan Kaya:
材料 Ingredient:
550g                  550g thick coconut /coconut cream
450g                          450g water
1/2tsp paste           1/2 tsp pandan paste
70g 幼糖                       70g caster sugar
100g 绿豆粉 (青色)     100g Hoen Kwee powder
1/2 tsp                      1/2 tsp salt
2tsp 菜燕粉                  2 tsp agar agar powder

1) ,水,班paste, 青色绿豆粉,和菜燕粉一起用拌器拌匀慢火煮至稠及泡泡即可.
Mix all ingredients in a big sauce pan and mix well. (I find it easy to use a hand balloon whisk to mix and stir the pandan kaya paste as this will give you a smoother texture). Cook the mixture over low heat, stir constantly until mixture starts to bubble.

蛋糕 Decorating:
1) 将煮好的班兰酱倒入模里,上一片蛋糕。
Pour the pandan kaya into the box, then lay with a piece of cake.

Pour the 2nd pandan kaya on top of the cake and then lay the second layer of cake. Repeat this with the 3rd layer. Lastly pour in the 4th pandan kaya on the top of the cake. Smooth the kaya with a scraper.

3) 蛋糕冷却到室温后,放入冰箱冷藏至少个四即可享用.
Leave the cake to cool to room temperature then refrigerate at least 4 hours or overnight.

TipsIt is easier to remove the cake from the pan if you spray some water into the loaf pan before laying the kaya and cake.

蛋糕食参考:The Joy of Baking by Bake With Yen (KL) Sdn Bhd

蒸蛋糕(Steamed Cake),菜粿(chai kuih),我和你们有个约会

一个星期的“renew passport借口”和与部落朋友见面之旅就这样过去了。整理行李箱的工作一直没有停歇过,从要回来就一直整理,最后还是要去upgrade重量,以为回程一定不用再top up重量了。。哈哈还是小看自己了吧!!出门那里有一次没有再login去把baggage的重量加到max的。就连我的6岁小外甥都偷偷跟我妹妹说:“这个阿姨真的很爱买东西”这句话不小心给我听到,觉得很不好意思。。呵呵!想想这都是部落“害”的啦!这次行李箱不是新鞋子和新衣服而是很多的食材和烘焙用具,有些是买的,有些则是见面会“领取”的礼物。我想这个爱买是女人的天性,那天临别时,送妇女组成员上车时,她们不都一样,车厢后挤了又挤,压了又压才把那一包包的shopping袋子给挤进去。后来她们还是没有放弃到Ikea一游的念头,是吧,没有把车尾厢的容量去到max都是不甘愿回家的哈哈!

说到见面会,我们好像是Xmas in June的感觉,大家见面时还有轮流派礼物的环节,很高兴叻!礼物有吃的,有用的,有包到美美的有没有包的,但是大家都高兴的像小孩收到礼物似的,一直笑一直讲,虽然不太熟络但是话题还是不断。还有一样一直做的事就是“吃”!连Casey都察觉我虽然小小的但是很能吃。。呵呵!

珊言慧语 (shan),还有Sonia的女儿和我的好友彩凤,虽然她们没有部落但是也开心的融入我们的女人meeting里。还有我们陪五朵花去买制服,走到脚很酸。你们说得对,五朵花瓣最完美了,不多不少,虽然我也是一朵不错的花,但是我还是认为5朵最理想,最完美!!再说,听讲没有副主席,副秘书之类的。。只有“正”的哈哈!5个position都填满了,我等下一届改选。

话说回这个蛋糕,食谱是来自蓝色小厨送给我的新新饮食刊里的。模型则是用了Sonia送给我的小长形吐士模。这个模子那天拿来做了Fruits Slice Layer Cake  觉得蛋糕小小的,很可爱于是再度用了这个模子来蒸这个咸蛋海苔肉丝蛋糕。

3 粒鸡蛋                     3 eggs
80g 幼糖                    80g caster sugar
90g 面粉 (筛过)  90g plain flour sifted

cheddar cheesemeat flosssalty egg yolkmashed),fried shallots

1. 将鸡蛋拌打至气泡,缓缓加入幼糖(图1)继续拌打至非常浓稠及松发(图2)。
Whisk eggs until foamy. Add sugar slowly (pic 1) and continue to whisk until very thick and fluffy (pic 2).

2.分三次拌入面粉搅拌均匀 (不可以搅拌过度)。
Fold in sifted flour in 3 batches until well combined (do not over mix).

3.将一半的面糊倒入涂上油和铺上纸的 (25cmx6cmx6cm)模里。中火蒸15分钟至熟。
Pour half of the batter into a greased and lined pan (25cm x 6cm x 6cm). Steam with medium high heat for 15 minutes until cook.

Spread cheddar cheese (pic 3),and spread with meat floss (pic4) then spread with salted egg(pic 5). Then pour the remaining batter(pic 6)and sprinkle with crispy shallots on top. Steam for another 20 minutes until cook.

Remove cake from the steamer, leave to cool for 15 minutes before cutting the cake. Serve warm.


这趟回来有“发挥小宇宙”,做了大概一百个菜粿,前后也试了不同皮料的配方。最后我觉得这个配方我还挺满意的。原食谱是依照姐姐家Jane'sCorner 菜粿的皮料配方做了很小很小的调整。我妈问我你有那个托沙葛的模吗?我说我有啊,Joceline去pasar扑回来给我的啊!(看下面的照片)

我们这班部落女人的力量也很够大的,彩凤很快的就被我们吸到了,来我家和我一起做菜粿。她很有潜质,一包就成,很厉害喔!今天我在整理回家的旅行袋时,她打了电话给我,说她昨晚睡不着,一心想着怎么炒沙葛料,早上3。30am就起来想了。5。30am出门去买料,她老公吓了一跳,为什么很”猪“的她星期六起得特别早。。哈哈!你们看,还不都是部落惹的“祸”。看什么时候我们又多一个成员。其实我们不是都已经把她的部落名字安好了吗,叫做roti canai lover“哈哈!彩凤我们等你咯!

800g沙葛 (切
2 红萝卜(切)
6香菇 (切
50 米(碎)
一大匙 蒜米碎

生抽,露,白糖各,, 精粉,胡椒粉,麻油。


1. 油,爆香蒜米,加入米,香菇和炒匀。

2. 最后,加入红萝卜和沙葛炒至略干;加入味料和芫茜炒匀。盛起待凉用。

100克 澄粉,
70克 薯粉,

1.           将澄粉,薯粉和盐放入盆中,加入滚水搅匀
3.           加入油,揉成软团,盖上布让粉锔5分钟
4.          搓面团至均匀柔软,割小薄片,包入料。
5.           将粿排入涂上油的蒸上,大火蒸8分即可。
6.           取出后,在粿上抹油,以防粿与粿之相黏。


食谱参考:Jane's Corner



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