اعضاء متميزون

الثلاثاء، 15 يناير 2013

Apple Tarte Tatin (Upside-Down Apple Tarts)

 我一直都很想做这个法国著名的tarte tatin但是知道要去巴黎了,所以就忍着,等我去吃了一趟回来再自己动手做。这个挞据说是源自Tatin 姐妹(StephenieCaroline)的手。 一天Stephenie误将挞倒转过来烘,这个误打误撞的成品竟然“一吃惊人”,成为了Tatin 酒店的“signature dish”。 之前也看过林周平师傅说在他店里(http://www.montplus.com/)这个挞因为很耗时, 所以只是在周六,日成限定商品制作2份(16片)。顿时觉得这个挞好像矜贵了许多,所以决定试试做做看。 其实,表面看来,材料和做法都好像挺简单的,但是弄上来就好像有点折腾了。可能也是自己荒废厨房太久的关系吧,做起这个挞来还有点鸡手鸭脚的,还把焦糖弄得起砂了,又再从新重煮一遍。当挞放进烘炉时,一路期待着倒转过来的挞是什么样子,苹果排得对吗?欣慰的是成品一点都没有让我失望,好好吃的反扣苹果挞。这才领悟到,耗时,不偷工减料的苹果挞竟是有着如此浓厚又香甜的美味。

这个食谱是用了 Ladurée的食谱但是做法却参考了Jamie Oliver,因为觉得Jamie 的方法似乎简单许多。这里附上Jamie OliverTarte Tatinyoutube做法,跟着做绝错不了! 希望大家喜欢我在2013年给大家分享的第一个食谱- Apple Tarte Tatin

12 apples
Puff pastry (I used store bought)
100ml water
300g granulated sugar
50g butter
leaves from 2 thyme springs

1) Peel, core and cut apples into 8 pieces. Cut the butter into small cubes. In a saucepan, cook the sugar and water together until the mixture has a golden caramel colour. Put the apple pieces into caramel follow by butter cubes. Continue to cook until caramel thickened again. Remove from the heat.

2) Preheat the oven to 160C. Fit the apple slices into the ramekins as tightly as possible and side by side. The apple should be higher than the ramekin as they will shrink by half after baking. Sprinkle with some thyme leaves. Bake for 1.5hours. Remove from the oven and allow to cool.

3) Preheat oven to 170C. Cut puff pastry to13cm diameter disks. Cover the apples with the rounds of pastry and push down around the interior of the ramekins to encase the fruit and make sure it stays in place when removing from the mould. Bake for 35 minutes.

4) Remove the ramekins from the oven and leave to rest for 1 minute before turning it out. To do this, place a plate on top of the pan, and invert so that the tart slips out. Pastry to the base, apples on the top. Serve with cream or ice cream.

Recipe adapted from:
SucréThe Recipes, Ladurée, pg 136

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