اعضاء متميزون

الأربعاء، 26 أكتوبر 2011

Yam Layer Cake

了会再来一个layer cake的啦!是这样的,上个礼拜就和姐姐好了今天去他家做个芋layer cake。这个也是跟之前的班兰layer cake一起学的。但是记得那次学了过后,就只做了失败的一次,之后就只专攻班兰的口味的。我其实已买好了芋头的但是姐姐说她可以买到紫色的芋头,所以就很高兴的搭她买了。她住的地区比较方便,什么capalang都可以买得到,所以可以每次搭买东西,然后,她又会顺便送很多没有搭买的。哈哈,很好很好!做完今天的layer cake我的厨房要暂时关闭一个星期。 乘Queen’s Birthday假期,明天要出门走走了。我到现在还完全没有收拾我的行李呢!我还是乘老公还没回来之前快去收拾一下吧!一个礼拜后再见!

4 蛋白
1/4tsp 塔塔粉
50g 幼糖

4 蛋黄
30g 幼糖
60ml 粟米油
4.5 tbs 牛奶
1tsp 芋香精
1tsp 紫色素

120g 特幼粉

注明: 因为我用8寸方模做这个蛋糕,以上蛋糕体只可形成2片蛋糕,所以我用了双倍以上的材料烤了两个39cmx26cm的蛋糕。

1) 将材料A至硬性.
2) 将材料B的幼糖加入蛋黄里,再依序加入粟米油及牛奶拌均匀.
3) 1/3的蛋白倒入蛋黄糊内,接着入材料C,拌匀.
4) 再加入剩余的蛋白轻轻搅拌均匀.
5) 将拌好的面糊,倒入39cmx26cm蛋糕卷烤模,放入预热烤箱以180度烘烤15.
6) 蛋糕蛋糕出炉, 移至网架, 撕开4蛋糕.
7) 等蛋糕冷却后,将蛋糕切47.5寸方形的蛋糕. (我只用了3片来装饰蛋糕)


500ml 浓椰浆
12 tsp
12 tsp芋香精
90g Hunkwee
2tsp 燕菜粉

1) 水,芋泥,芋香精,  ,  ,  绿豆粉和菜燕粉一起用拌器拌匀, 慢火煮至稠及泡泡即可.

1) 将煮好的芋头加椰酱(大概会有1kilo,分4份,一份是250g) 倒入第一份250g到模里,上一片蛋糕。
3)倒入第二份250g芋头加椰酱,再上第2片蛋糕, 重复第三份250g芋头加椰酱上第3片蛋糕。最后上第四份250g芋头加椰酱
4) 蛋糕冷却到室温后,放入冰箱冷藏至少三个即可享用.


Yam Sponge Cake

4 egg whites
1/4 tsp cream of tartar
50g caster sugar

4 egg yolks
30g caster sugar
60ml corn oil
4.5 tbs milk
1tsp yam essence
1tsp purple colour

120g cake flour (sift)

1.) Beat egg whites with sugar and cream of tartar until stiff (A)
2.) Mix egg yolks, oil, sugar, milk , yam essence, purple colouring (B).  Stir until well mixed and  smooth.  
3.) Fold 1/3 of (A) into (B). Fold in sifted (C).
4.) Fold in the rest of the (A) into the mixture.
5.) Pour batter into a prepared cake pan (39cm x 26cm) and spread evenly with a scraper. Bake in preheated oven 180C  15-18 minutes or until golden.
6.) Leave the cake on a wire rack to cool.
7) Cut the cake into 3 x  7.5” squares.

Yam Agar Agar
500ml coconut milk (from 2 coconuts)
600ml water
½ tsp salt
½ tsp yam essence
90g Hunkwee flour
125g sugar
1tsp agar agar powder
400g yam (steam and mashed)  I used the purple yam to get the original purple color, if not add in some purple coloring to get the intended color.


1.) Mix all ingredients in a big pot on a medium to low heat until thickened and cooked. The mixture will start to bubbles.

To Assemble:
1.) Divide the yam agar-agar into 4 portions (you will have about 1kg  and divide into 4x 250g)
2. )Pour the first 250g agar-agar into 8”mould, and top one layer of cake.
3.)Top the 2nd portion of agar-agar onto the cake and spread evenly and top with another slice of cake. 4.) Continue the same process with the 3rd layer of cake.
5.) Lastly, top with the 4th portion of agar agar and spread evenly.
5.) Leave the cake at room temperature until cool completely and refrigerate for at least 3 hours before serving.

Tips: spray some water into the mould before assemble( not too much). This allows the cake to come off the mould easily.

蛋糕食参考:The Joy of Baking by Bake With Yen (KL) Sdn Bhd

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