- So that's it, adfly is being flagged as malware or spam in twitter, ¿does someone knows why is this happening? ¿or is this happening only to me? Please help!
- Me too. What happened? I'm loosing money!
- I suggest you make a custom domain. You should have no issues then.
- Thanks for answering. The thing is i am new on this, and i don't know how to make a "custom domain". ¿Can you PLEASE make one and help us with this huge problem? I am losing a lot of money for this issue
. Please help!!!
- there should be a lot of video tutorials on youtube on how to make one. You can also check out our pinned/sticky topi here
PROTIP: Custom domain for your links
Why not create a custom domain for your links? And have URLs with the name you want, and the look you want? like this! ->http://adftest.co.vu/2
- put your links on sites where adfly links are banned
- Change the look of the banner, and even put your own logo
- Do it for free!
So here is how:
tried with http://codotvu.com/ but it can be done with other free domain name services:http://adftest.co.vu/2377648/free-domains
First of all, create a domain name (register required, real easy). Once you have the domain, in the "DNS records" section, click "New Dns Record", a popup appears.
Leave Host empty (or add the name of the subdomain you want. In my example, empty results in adftest.co.vu, if I had put "go" there, would have been go.adftest.co.vu)
Choose type "CNAME"
And in Content, simply add "custom.adf.ly".
We have now the domain, lets go for adf.ly:
Go to your poublisher account, tools sections, in domains: http://adf.ly/publisher/tools#tools-domains
Click "Create / manage domains"
Type your newly created domain in the blue "Domain" box and click "Add custom domain".
And It is done! -> http://adftest.co.vu/2
Now if you want to change how the banner looks (as I did for the example) just click the small wrench icon at the side of your domain in the domains page http://adf.ly/publisher/tools#tools-domainsAnd enjoy your newzlinks!
hpadfly Newbie Posts: 14Joined: Fri Nov 22, 2013 1:43 pm
hanx for the tip
i did one with noip.com
i've got links like this one : http://cinema-alkhamis.no-ip.biz/1
and a personal banner too
Great !
i made a new one : http://ca5.no-ip.org/7
a little bit betterThanks fo yours tips!
This my new design http://winmoney.co.vu/1