اعضاء متميزون

الجمعة، 16 سبتمبر 2011

Caramel Popcorn & Cashew Nuts

记得那天是我单位的实习学生的最后一天,她带来了一大罐的caramel popcorn。那还是我第一次尝试这东西呢。这popcorn会吃上隐的。我们几个就一边吃一边说:this is very fattening。。 okok this is the last one, 怎知,结果没两下子,整罐就通通进肚子去了。我赶快向她要了食谱。这里老外都喜欢喝啤酒,这小食也很下酒 ,这也是一个简单又讨好的BBQ聚餐可以带给朋友的手信。Summer一到,要去的BBQ的集会可多呢,如果碰到要上班,没时间做复杂的糕点,这简单的食谱就有用武之地了咯。 我尝试做给我老公吃,他给这popcorn取名为:crazy popcorn。


1 packet Uncle Toby microwave popcorn
125g butter
¼ cup glucose syrup
¾ cup brown sugar
200 cashew nuts

1.)    Pre-heat oven to 180 C. Roast nuts until golden brown.
2.) Pop the popcorn in the microwave as the instructions (takes about 2 minutes)
3.)    Mix glucose syrup, sugar and butter and cook until boil and simmer for 5 mins.
4.)    Pour syrup over the popcorn and nuts mix.
5.)    Turn oven down to 160 C
6.)    Lay the popcorn caramel in baking tray and bake for 25 – 30 mins until brown.

Chocolate Caramel & Walnut Tarts


Sweet dough

90g unsalted butter

50g caster sugar

1 pinch salt

1 vanilla bean
1 egg

20g almond meal
160g plain flour

Salted caramel

115g caster sugar

45g glucose

100g pouring cream

7.5g salt

20g butter

1-2 tablespoons roasted walnuts

Chocolate ganache

80g pure cream

50g dark chocolate chopped

25g milk chocolate,
14g butter 


Sweet Dough
1. Cream the butter, sugar and salt in a bowl. Add vanilla bean seeds and beat until fluffy. Add egg and mix to combine. Add almond meal and flour and mix until mixture forms a dough.

2. Place between two sheets of cling wrap, flatten and refrigerate for 2 hours to rest.

3. Flour bench, lay pastry on top and dust again with flour. Roll to a desired thickness and prick well with a fork. Cut rounds with a 12cm cookie cutter and lay into 10cm diameter tartlet cases. Gently press into tins to fit and roll over tartlets with a rolling pin to trim edges. Refrigerate for 1 hour.

4. Bake at 160°C for approximately 20-25 minutes or until golden.
Chocolate Caramel Tart and Caramelised Walnuts
1. Place sugar and glucose in a saucepan over a medium heat and cook, agitating mixture until sugar is dissolved. Simmer until sugars become a light brown caramel.

2. Deglaze with cream, add salt and remove from heat. Allow to cool slightly and whisk in butter until smooth and glossy.

3. Half fill tartlet cases with salted caramel and top with 1-2 teaspoons peanuts. Chill to set.

4. For ganache, pour cream into a saucepan and almost bring to the boil. Add chocolate and stir until smooth. Add butter and mix until well combined. Fill chilled tartlets with ganache and refrigerate for 20-30 minutes to set.


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