最近都有在看French Food Safari的节目,看到这个clafoutis甜品时就mark定了要做这个简单又好看的甜品。节目里师傅用的是很法国式的小铜锅来装甜品,美到。。可爱到。。于是决定去找那个铜锅。那里知道一查之下那个小小一个4寸锅要卖一百几十块,哈哈。。难怪那个甜品那么吸引啦。。我才不会因为一个甜品去买两个那么贵铜锅回来叻!喔,要发布这个贴子之前竟然找到那个food safari的youtubu短片,有兴趣请看这里。
樱桃又上市了,是时候来个clafoutis。Alan(travellingfoodies)在上两个星期也上了clafoutis。Alan 分享的是比较浓郁卡士挞的质地。我也和他一样都喜欢站在炉边看着那个慢慢鼓起的clafoutis,慢慢的将樱桃淹没然后只凸出顶部,很可爱。
我用的这个来自taste.com.au的食谱,会是一个比较相似custard质地的甜品但因为我比较喜欢frangipane式的口感,所以在材料里做了一点点的调整。多加了面粉也把杏 仁的份量稍加了一些,我就喜欢这样有一点custard又有一点蛋糕式的口感。这个极之简单又大方的甜品我喜欢。这个甜品因该是零失败率的,所以要宴客又怕没有时间做高难度的甜品,我想这是一个很好的选择。甜品趁热享用,我说啊。。配上cream或雪糕真是锦上添花。
Ingredients (serves 2)
Melted butter, to grease
10 whole fresh cherries
40g almond meal
30g caster sugar
2 tbsp all purpose flour
90ml milk
1 eggs
Pure icing sugar, to dust
Whipped cream/ ice cream, to serve (optional)
1. Preheat oven to 180°C. Brush 2x 11cm round (base measurement) pie dish with butter to grease. Spoon over the cherries.
2. Combine the almond meal, flour and sugar in a bowl. Make a well in the centre. Whisk together the milk and eggs in jug. Gradually add the milk mixture to the almond mixture, stirring until combined.
3. Pour the batter over the cherries in the dish. Bake in oven for 30 minutes or until just set. Dust with icing sugar and serve with whipped cream, if desired.
Recipe adapted from : http://www.taste.com.au/recipes/16961/cherry+and+almond+clafouti