那天我在nursing station坐着法白日梦,然后就问坐在我身边一位要好的同事(L)看她有什么梦想。我说不能讲要中福利部彩票,一定要是可以实践的梦想。L 想了一下说:“我都40岁了,想要可以还完屋期,车期,然后一个礼拜只上三天班,然后可以做一些自己想做的事“。对啊,这时很多人都梦想的生活,但是往往这个很简单的梦想都是迟迟不能实践。我们不停的做,拼命的做,但是怎么还是有很多不能满足的欲望啊!屋期,车期还完了,真的可以做少了吗?如果这个世界可以是一个wonderland那该多好啊!
上两个礼拜,ward很情况安定,同事(B)问我想不想学做fondant cupcake。她可以带一些来ward教我基本花样造型。我当然很高兴啦。于是我们便把这个节目安排在周末,然后召集有兴趣的病人和我们一起做icing cupcake。这还是我第一次接触fondant icing。真是太好玩了。回家路途,即刻跑去买了icing和cutters等机会自己来摸索一番。一连值了6天的班,终于今天休假了,可以出发了。今天给大家分享Alice in the Wonderland的fondant icing cupcakes。希望这个世界处处都是Wonderland。
Macadamia Cupcake Ingredients:
(Makes 12)
185g unsalted butter, softened
170g caster sugar
3 eggs
1/2 tsp vanilla essense
125g self-raising flour, sifted
30g plain flour, sifted
125ml milk
50g macadamia nuts chopped
Fondant icing
Food colouring
1) Preheat the oven to 180°C.
2) Beat the butter and sugar and essence together with electric beaters until light and creamy. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Fold in flour alternately with milk. Fold in the nutrs. Divide the mixture evenly among the cases. Bake for 18-20 minutes, or until a skewer comes on clean when inserted into the centre of a cake. Transfer onto a wire rack to cool.
Fondant icing topping please refer to Not Quite Nigella for step by step process.
I am submitting this post to Aspiring Bakers #13 : Enjoy Cupcakes! (November 2011) hosted byMin of Min's Blog