那天看到茄子家煮了nasi lemak,我忽然好想好想吃。她把Masam Manis甘邦式的椰浆饭食谱链接了上来,让我家也能享有一餐家乡味满满的椰浆饭。之前做过传统蒸椰浆饭,这次来个简易甘邦式的也真的很合我意。
记得每次去马六甲的Kampung Muara Sungai Duyung吃烧鱼时,也一定会点椰浆饭再加黄姜乳鸽,哇,现在想起还真的很想回家叻! 我于是就快快的在网上翻查了一下黄姜炸鸡的食谱,也来回味家乡甘邦椰浆饭的味道。
盐, 酱油(适量)
鸡肉洗后用吸油纸吸干水分,放入碗中加盐。黄姜和老姜轮流放进石臼里舂烂或搅拌器捣烂,取出后把汁榨出。然后连汁带渣和鸡肉一起腌制过夜。最后放进油锅中炸至金黄色,捞起沥干油分 即可享用。
注: 我把炸好的鸡捞出用后,再把油用大火烧热,再度将鸡腿放入热油内,上色。 这样可以将鸡油逼出也让鸡腿颜色更上色。
10 drumsticks 1 inch ginger
1 inch tumeric
1 tsp tumeric powder
salt & soy sauce to taste ( I used 1 tbs salt and 1 tbsp soy sauce)
1. Wash drumsticks then pat dry with kitchen towel.
Mash the ginger and turmeric in a mortar and pestle (each about 1″ big).
2. Remove them and squeeze the juice out on the chicken. Retain the pulp and add it to the chicken in a bowl.
3. Season with salt, soy sauce and tumeric powder.
4. Cover and leave to marinate in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours or even better overnight.
5. Deep-fry them until golden brown.
Nasi Lemak Kampung recipe refer to : Masam Manis
Tumeric Fried Chicken recipe adapted form : Foodie Piggy