اعضاء متميزون

الأربعاء، 29 أغسطس 2012

5 Awesome Tips for Making Good Money Through Adf.ly

Now I think you all are aware about Adf.ly, if you wanna know how to make money with Adf.ly than check this post. Well this post is focused on teaching you some of the best proven tips to earn good amount with Adf.ly.

1. Create and Share your Links on Facebook :

Sharing links on Facebook means huge mass of people and huge clicks means bigger earnings, so this can be the best medium for bigger earnings at Adf.ly. So create your links now and post a status on something useful for people so that they click on your links and you get paid.
Update : Well now we have tried sharing Adf.ly links on Facebook but these links are blacklisted, so now Facebook do not allow you to share links and any Adf.ly name.

2. Using Banner Method in Adf.ly :

Now you might be thinking what I am saying means using Banner method will reduce your earnings because it pays less, but some people ignore the waiting time and they do not click on those links but if you will have the banner advertisement then there will be no waiting time else there will be just a small area covered by the Adf.ly link so that’s not bad because its paying you.

3. Sharing Adf.ly links on Forums :

Forums are one and only place where there is a huge audience after Facebook. Now people come give you links provide there links and exchanging goes on. So just upload some useful stuff and hide it behind the Adf.ly link and tell people to download if its really useful then they will download and you will earn money. So forums are the second best option to earn bigger with Adf.ly.

4. Using Website Entry Script in Adf.ly:

Now Adf.ly provides a great way for bloggers and website owners, if you own a website or Blog and you get a nice traffic than you need to check their website script which gets you money as soon as anyone loads your website, you might have checked this same script running on my website that as soon as you open my website you are promoted to SKIP AD, so this is the best way to earn more with Adf.ly so apply this thing just copy the below script right above </body> tag in your Edit HTML Section in Blogger.
var adfly_id = 1670262;
var adfly_advert = 'int';
var frequency_cap = 5;
var frequency_delay = 5;
var init_delay = 3;
<script src="http://adf.ly/js/entry.js"></script> 
Modifying the above script :
  • Change the Numbers in Red with your Adf.ly ID you can get that in your referral section.
  • var frequency cap = (How may times you wanna display AD)
  • var frequency delay = 5 (After how many minutes it should appear)

5. Using the Adf.ly referral Program :

The referral program for Adf.ly is really impressive whenever someone joins through your link, 20% of his income will be your commission. Means its really great 20% means if your friend earns 1$ than you will get Rs. 10. Change the id in below code and that will be your Referral Code.
So these were some of the best tips with which you can make bigger and good earnings with Adf.ly so try them out maybe they will make you happy.

Hansik is back!

Sorry about missing yesterday but today we are back at school. The storm was not very bad. We were very happy to get a day off school and spent most of the time playing and sleeping. Everyone is tired today. There is another typhoon coming tomorrow but they don�t think it will be very bad.

We are happy that everyone likes these posts. Korean food is very delicious and we hope that more people in the world will try it. Today�s lunch was good. Wednesday is a special lunch day. They serve special things like rice porridge or curry.

Today we had fried rice with dried seaweed on top (??? with ?, bokkeumbap with kim),
soybean paste stew with green pumpkin, mushrooms, and potatoes in it (?? ??, doenjang
jjigae), radish kimchi (???, kkakdugi), corn and cheese casserole, and grapes.

Food-o-meter- 8/10
Health rating- 7/10 (there was a lot of cheese)
Bites- about 55 on average
Courses- Main, Soup, 3 sides
Price- About 2,500 won ($2.50 US)
Pieces of hair- 0!

People had a question about breakfast in Korea. We usually eat the same food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. This is rice, soup, kimchi and other small things like tofu, egg, ham, or beans. Sometimes we eat cereal or breads.

Thank you for reading. We like seeing your comments and answering your questions about

Teacher�s Note: To answer some of the other questions from the last post I will jump in. The dumplings in the back of the picture are called kimchi mandu. Mandu (??) is the Korean word for dumpling. I teach just English (writing) but other native English teachers at my school teach science, math, social studies, and reading. It is a wonderful opportunity!

There is a lot of access to junk and western food here. McDonalds, Burger King, Papa John�s, Domino�s, and Baskin Robbins (to name a few) all have stores here and are very popular. But, from what I�ve seen and what students have told me, these are eaten much less regularly than in the US. Koreans still place a big emphasis on family, so meals are often home cooked or still Korean. Other things are seen as a treat. Obviously, this is not the case in all Korean families but seems to be more common.

There are a lot of options for delivery and take away here. Korea is very convenient. When you order from Korean restaurants they bring everything in glass and metal. Once you are done eating you place it outside your door and the restaurant will come and pick it back up. Besides Korean food, you can order delivery from just about anywhere, even McDonalds! Fried chicken, often tossed in a spicy sauce and incredibly common in Korea, and pizza are popular choices.

When asked my students all said they like western food sometimes but that they prefer Korean!

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