اعضاء متميزون

الأربعاء، 23 يناير 2013

Kuih Dadar / Kuih Ketayap

旅行完毕的后遗症除了病毒难消,就是让血压飙升的信用卡结单。每次都以为不是用了很多嘛,但是结单来的时候,就一条一条严格的对,看看银行有没有charge错了。 结果哪。。银行是一点也没错,错的是自己不会自制罢了!
我家老公更惨,对一条骂一次。。“银行很会吃钱,每一个交易都要加transaction fee,加来加去,原本以为买到便宜货都变贵了!”“老公,不要再骂了,银行不是白白帮你服务的,给啦!”

我又渐渐的回复了我忙碌的生活。贴子也上少了,因为目前的工作时间较长,所以回到家就要准备晚餐,已经没什么时间弄糕点。因为目前两家医院跑,时间安排有点混乱,所以没剩多少心思上贴子,也把脚步放缓了。 最近这几天很想吃Nyonya kuih,所以就做了这个Kuih Dadar/Kuih Ketayap满足一下食欲。用了久别归队茄子的食谱。谢谢茄子的好分享。


2/3 cup flour
1 egg
160ml cup coconut milk
125ml water
½ tsp salt
1 ½ tablespoon vegetable oil
½ tsp pandan essence  

Sweet coconut filling

2 cups fresh grated coconut
½ cup grated palm sugar 
1/4cup water
2 Pandan leaves, wracked and knotted
Good pinch of salt

Make the coconut filing

1) Place the grated coconut,palm sugar, pandan leaves and water in a pan over low heat, cook until the sugar completely dissolves.

2) Add grated coconut and salt, cook over low heat for about 10 minutes or until the coconut filling is thick and glossy. Set aside and cooled.

To make the pandan crepe

1) Sift the flour and salt into mixing bowl.

2) Mix the eggs, coconut milk, water, pandan essence and oil well. Pour slowly the egg mixture into the flour and incorporate the mixture using a hand whisk. (strain the batter to avoid any lumps)

3) Allow the batter to stand for 30minutes.

To make the crepe roll

1) Heat a pan over medium heat.  Stir the batter well. Pour 1/4cup batter onto the pan. 

2) Swirl the pan so that the batter covers the base completely with a thin layer.

3) Allow the batter to set and cooked. Turn the pancake over to cook the other side for a few seconds

4) Place the coconut filling in the center of each pancake, 
fold both sides towards the middle over the filling and roll the pancake up. 

Recipe adapted from:袅袅烘培香

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