来了柏斯七年, 对烧烤牛羊还是觉得很陌生,不知到要烤到什么程度才算及格。 我的家婆很擅长烤肉,每次去她家里集餐,她做的烤肉都是非常棒。不仅是她,就连我家公烧烤也做得很好。很自然的他们的儿子(我家老公)有一点点他们的遗传,做起烤肉来也不孙色, 家里的烤肉大部分都是由我老公负责的。自从看了Master Chef的节目后,我渐渐对烤肉发生兴趣。 每次看到参赛者在评判的桌前却肉的那紧张的表情,我也不仅为他们捏一把冷汗,怕却出来的肉是太生亦或是太熟。所以说要把肉烤好,烧烤的温度和时间掌握是很重要的。昨晚看到冰箱里的一大只羊脚,原本要等老公来搞定的,但是心想还是等我来吧!是时候我让我学习学习!!
- 1 Leg of lamb weighing 1.5kg
- 6 cloves of garlic, peeled and cut into 4 slices lengthwise
- 2 to 3 sprigs of rosemary
- 6 tbsp olive oil
- 2 tbsp wholegrain mustard
- Freshly ground black pepper
- Salt
- 1 roasting tray and rack
- 1 knife
Method: Step 1: Preheat the ovenSet the temperature at 250ºC Step 2: Season the lambRub the leg of lamb with the mustard and generously season with salt and pepper. Step 3: Add the herbsMake incisions in the lamb with a small knife and insert the garlic and rosemary. Step 4: Drizzle with oil and place on a roasting rackPlace the leg of lamb onto a roasting rack above the tray and drizzle over the olive oil. Step 5: Roast the lambPut the roasting tray in the oven and cook for 1 hour. After about 30 minutes, lower the temperature to 200ºC and continue cooking for the remaining 30 minutes. Step 6: Leave the meat to restAfter the cooking time, check that the lamb is ready. Insert a knife into the thickest part of the leg. The cooked meat should be of a pinkish colour. Remove it from the oven and leave to rest for 15 minutes. Step 7: Carve and serveCarve the leg of lamb and serve with roast potatoes, a selection of vegetables, gravy and mint sauce.
上两个礼拜我家的面包机忽然发生故障,搅拌起来发出“叽叽”叫的尖叫声。我当时正在搅拌面包,就赶快把面包拿出来改用Kenwood搅拌机继续搅拌过程。隔几天,就快快去搬一台新面包机回来。因为两年前当我买第一台面包机是,我选了全场最便宜的机,因为不知到会不会只是三分钟热度,想不到结果还厉害到用道坏掉。旧的不去新的不来,很高兴能买新机哈哈,upgrade 我的面包机去比较好的。Upgrade 了机器,吐司也做得比较像样。值得啦!之前发现这家面粉店 http://www.allaboutbread.com.au/ 买了六包面包粉回来试试,面包果然很好吃。这Mediterranean面包是我吃剩的最后一包粉了,下个礼拜再去买过!!