اعضاء متميزون

الخميس، 10 نوفمبر 2011

Kuih Lapis Legit

早前,姐姐一直很勤奋的在做kuih lapis,我告诉她说,:“酱多功,你打死我都不要做这个“。那天去她家里,她特地留了两片prunelapis给我试试,真的很好吃,我没讲错,真的就只是分到矜贵的两片,哈哈! 回来想了又想,犹豫了很多天,其实要做的list也是还有很多很多尤其是又刚进了很多新书。我这个人就是这样,在逛街时不舍得买的东西,回家想了很多天最终也是会跑回去买,做糕也一样,想了几个礼拜,最终还不是要做。老人就称这为“眼角坏,mak kang pai“。

昨天又看到Hearty Bakes上了lapis。哇,那里可以在抑压我对Lapis的爱慕和好奇。昨晚就联系了Jane Jessie,感激俩人都很踊跃的给我Baking Tips。今天不用上班,原本就是可以很空闲的坐着什么都不做,竟然倒被kuih lapis害到,罚站了一个早上, 还要担惊受怕,真的很可怜叻!这时第一次做难免起初对火候控制有些措手不及,烘到第三时,有些犹豫是不是表面上色不够会导致次不分明,所以确定换另一个模,从头再来,哎哟浪费了三的蛋糊,很心痛。还好有舍去哪三层,我后来检视了一下,那三层果然没有中间的深色的条纹,好彩有果断的舍去,不然糕的样子就会出现有1cm厚厚的一层在底部了。我就这样一层一层的烘,时间也一分一分的过,这真是一个很考耐心的蛋糕,也是这样我的day off也被这一层一层的消耗掉了!

很抱歉这是毕生第一个Lapis,蛋糕的样子不算讨好 ,但是味道可口。请Lapis Club可怜有心人,让我入会吧!silver club member也不用紧,我一定会更加努力,继续磨发奋。期待有一天可以upgrade我去gold club member。呵呵!

食谱参考Bisousatoi 和 Jane‘s Corner

   200克糖粉 (我用150g)
   1/2 大匙千蛋糕香料 (我用mix spice

1. 牛油打至奶白色,再加入奶拌打至10)。
2. 在另一干盆中加入蛋黄和糖粉,高速拌打至稠,大15
3.1 加入2拌均。
5. 最后一,用上下火180度烘15分钟。

   300g butter
   200g icing sugar (I used 150g)
   25g condensed milk
   375g egg yolks
   35g low protein flour, 25g milk powder
   1/2 tbsp mixed spice


1. Cream butter until creamy. Add in condensed milk and continue beating until light and fluffy. Leave aside.

2. In a clean mixing bowl, beat egg yolks and icing sugar until light and fluffy (about 15mins).

3. Sieve flour and milk powder and add mix spice. Fold the flour mixture into egg mixture. Continue mixing until well combined.

4. Add in butter mixture and mix well.

5. Grease a 8" cake tin and spread in 90g mixture evenly. Using upper and lower heat at 180C, bake the first layer until light brown (around 7mins).Press lightly with cake press to break any air bubbles and to get an even layer.

6. Spread another layer of batter evenly on top and turn oven to only upper heat set and grill cake for another 7 mins or until surface is golden brown.
Repeat the same until the last layer.

7. For last layer, turn oven to top and bottom heat and bake the whole cake at 180C for further 15 minutes.

65 度汤种香肠面包 (65° C Tangzhong Mini Sausage Buns)


参阅了Sonia nasilemaklover 食谱,稍作更改,我也只用了一半的份量

45g 高筋面粉
1) 高筋面粉加入水中拌均匀。
2放到上加不断拌, 焦。
3) 面糊加65度离火(面糊在 会有路出的状)。
4在面糊表面上一膜, 降温后放入冰箱12-18小时取出使用。

1.A材料倒入拌盆中, 使用拌器先慢速拌。
2.拌均匀后, 成中速继续搅拌。
3.拌成及有筋性,才加入B 用慢速拌, 中速。拌至可开   薄膜。
4.取出面,放入已抹油的大碗中, 酵成双倍大。
5.把面取出,排气,将面分成10份,每份53克, 松弛10
6.把面杆成橄型, 再搓30cm, 卷再香行最后酵。
7.酵完 刷上蛋液, 撒上白芝麻
8.放入预热180‘C的烤箱, 12-15

Tangzhong dough:

45g bread flour
225ml water

Whisk the bread flour and the water together in a heat proof saucepan. Heat the mixture at low heat till it thickens and reaches 65C.

Cover with Glaze wrap to cool to room temperature and refrigerate for 12 to 18 hours.

Main Dough

200g bread flour
50g all purpose flour
20g milk powder
35g caster sugar
¼ tsp salt
7g instant yeast
75g Tangzhong dough
1 large egg
80g water

25g unsalted butter, room temperature

10 mini sausage
1 egg (egg wash)
sesame seeds

1. Knead (A) together except for the butter. Knead till the dough is no sticky. Add in the butter and continue to knead till it passes the window test. Takes about 15 to 20 minutes on stand mixer.

2. Let the dough proof covered for 1.5hrs or till double in volume. Punch out the air and let divide into 10 equal portions (53g each). Roll round and let rest for 15 minutes before shaping.

3. Grease the baking tin / pan and preheat the oven to 180C.

4. Flatten the dough and roll into oval shape. Then roll the dough into 30cm “rope” shape. Wrap around mini sausages.

5. Place the finished buns on a greased baking sheet, and let rise for 30mins or double in size.

5. Brush the top with egg wash and sprinkle some sesame seeds  onto the buns.

6. Bake in the oven for 12-15mins or until golden brown.

7. Once baked, remove from oven and remove from the pan and cover with a tea tower let cool completely.


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