Hei! T�n��n ruokatunnillamme oli todellisia n�lk�isi� lintuja. K�ytimme
paljon energiaa kahdella liikuntatunnilla aamulla. T�n��n pelasimme
jalkapalloa ja harjoittelimme pituushyppy�. Pisimm�t hypyt olivat noin
3,5 metri�.
Kuuntelimme aamulla my�s eilen tehdyt radio-ohjelmat. Ohjelmat olivat
noin 10 minuuttisia ja ne meniv�t hyvin. Saamme mahdollisesti linkin
niihin my�hemmin. Toimittaja kirjoitti my�s jutun nettiin jonka voit
lukea t��lt� http://yle.fi/uutiset/arvostele_mun_kouluruoka/6265904
T�ss� taas vastauksia muutamiin kysymyksiin:
Keitti�ss�mme on nelj� keitt�j��. he ovat hyvin mukavia ja tied�mme
melkein kaikkien nimet. he juttelevat usein kanssamme kysyen esimerkiksi
ruoan mausta tai he kysyv�t my�s kuulumisia. Joskus he my�s saattavat
n�ytt�� vihaisilta jos olemme liian ��nekk�it�!
T�n��n meill� oli broileri-pastapaistosta ja porkkanaraastetta. Pidimme
paistoksesta, se oli aivan mahtavaa! Monet meist� ottivat my�s lis��.
Vaikka ruoka maistui hyv�lt�, sen v�ri olisi voinut ehk� olla parempi.
Porkkanaraaste on aina hyv��.
Hello! Today we were really Hungry Birds on our lunch break! We had two
sport lessons in the morning so we spend lot of energy. Today we played
football and trained long jump. Best of us jumped about 3 and half
We also listened the radio programs that was made yesterday. There were
two 10 minutes programs and they were quite successful. There may be a
change to hear them from internet later, we hope so. Anyway the reporter
wrote an article to internet and you can read it here.
Again here are some answers to you questions:
In our school canteen there is four cooks. They are very nice and
friedly people and we know almost everyone by name. They often talk to
us if they aren't in a hurry. They can ask what we liked about the food
or they van just ask how are we. Sometimes they can also look as little
angry if we are too noisy.
Today we had chicken and pasta casserole with grated carrot. We loved
the casserole, the taste was awesome. Many of us took even another
portion! Even the food tasted good we thought that the colour of the
casserole could have been little better. Grated carrots are always
Food-o-meter: 10/10 (just perfect!)
Mouthfuls: 33
Courses: main
Health Rating: 8/10
Price: 0e
Pieces of hair: 0
Bye for now!
Hungry birds' teacher here! I decided to write also something about our
school meals. Today I talked with our head cook. The menu is made for
seven weeks at a time. There is different food for every day during the
menu. In our kitchen they use as much as possible local groceries. For
example almost all of vegetables they use are local and if they can't
get local product they choose a products that are produced in Finland.
All milk products are fat free. In our kitchen they use rarely
industrially manufactured products. Our cook counted that for example in
next seven weeks they use those products only in five days! One a really
big bonus in our kitchen is that they make their own bread and buns and
what can be better that smell of fresh bread!
In Finland we teachers also eat the same food with our pupils. School
lunch is part of the curriculum. I have to say that in our school the
food is really tasty. However children attitude for the food is often
very negative. Of course the food is not pizza or hamburgers. But still
the food is good and of course free. Sometimes I think that the negative
attitude comes from home. Many Finns have bad memories from school
meals. I have also! But the food has changed a lot. Many can remember
meat with dill (tilliliha) as one of the worst meal ever. Today in many
homes families don't eat any more together. Also in many homes the food
is convenience food. So pupils are not used to eat different flavours.
It is sad that some pupil eat first time fish (if we don't count fish
finger) at school! Anyway I think that after this week my pupils will
relate better to our school lunch. We have learned lot of new things and
had good conversations. So in the future I think we look our food in a
different perspective.
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دروس -الكتروتقني - السنة الثالثة كهروتقني اكاديمي ودروس الكترونيك بمختلف الاشكال اعمال تطبقية اعمال موجهة بحوث ........صور ......تجار...
دروس -الكتروتقني - السنة الثالثة كهروتقني اكاديمي ودروس الكترونيك بمختلف الاشكال اعمال تطبقية اعمال موجهة بحوث ........صور ......تجار...
دروس -الكتروتقني - السنة الثالثة كهروتقني اكاديمي ودروس الكترونيك بمختلف الاشكال اعمال تطبقية اعمال موجهة بحوث ........صور .........
دروس -الكتروتقني - السنة الثالثة كهروتقني اكاديمي ودروس الكترونيك بمختلف الاشكال اعمال تطبقية اعمال موجهة بحوث ........صور ......تجارب ...
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