回大马之前,就把要吃的美食一一的列下,可惜时间太短,list太长,好像也漏了几样没集会吃到。但是古城粒粒鸡饭肯定是在我的list的前端,不会错过。至于这个玫瑰鸡呢。。在这里稍微提一下马六甲的乐园鸡饭。它是位于St Francis Church对面的小小店面。记得从小爸爸常带我们赴傍晚弥散然后就到对面的鸡饭店享用晚餐。这个鸡饭跟海南鸡饭特色大有不同。我喜欢它的汁料,就算单单是淋上汁料我也可以吃下一碗饭。可惜因为后代都不要继续祖业,无奈已经没有机会再品尝到了。在这里就和大家分享这个酷似乐园鸡饭店的玫瑰油鸡。
(A) 鸡腿8只/一只鸡
(B) 桂皮10克,甘草10克,八角8克,花椒5克,草果1个。姜5片
(C) 200克甜黑酱油, 80克酱油、玫瑰露酒50克、3大匙盐、100克冰糖、5克味精
(D) 6片姜,一小把青葱
1. 将(A) 鸡洗净晾干,用一些盐抹于鸡身内外。
2. 将(B) 等用干净纱布包扎,放进卤锅,加入2公升水;用大火煮卤料至滚。
3. 转小火继续焖煮1小时。(可以早一天准备汤汁,让药材浸在水里过夜味道更香浓)
4. 把(C) 和(D)加入汁料内,煮滚。(若用一整只鸡,可把D塞入鸡内)。
Rose Wine Poached Chicken
(A) 8 drumsticks /on whole chicken
(B) 10g cinnamon quills, 10g Licorice root (Glycrrhiza Uralensis), 8g star anise, 5g Sichuan pepper, 1 dried cardamom, 5 slices ginger
(C ) 200g sweet black sauce, 80g soy sauce, 50g rose wine, 3 tbs salt, 100g rock sugar, 5g chicken powder
(D) 6 slices ginger, some green onion
1) Clean and pat dry the drumsticks/chicken (A), rub the chicken with some salt.
2) Fill a pot with 2L water. Use a piece of gauze to wrap (B) and put (B) into water and boil.
3)Once the stock is boiled, simmer for another 1 hour. (You can prepare the stock one day earlier as the herb will develop more aroma.)
4)Add (C) and (D) into the stock and bring it to boil. Then simmer for another 15 minutes.
5)Very gently poach chicken for exactly 14 minutes, then immediately remove pot from stove and allow chicken to steep in the stock for 3 hours at room temperature to complete the cooking process.
6)Using tongs, gently remove chicken from stock. Place chicken on a tray to drain, brush some seseme oil on the chicken and allow to cool.
7) To prepare the gravy, take 1 cup of stock and add 1 tsp of sesame oil then bring it to boil. Stir in corn flour water to thicken the sauce. Drizzle the gravy on the cool chicken and serve.
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