اعضاء متميزون

الجمعة، 16 سبتمبر 2011

Caramel Popcorn & Cashew Nuts

记得那天是我单位的实习学生的最后一天,她带来了一大罐的caramel popcorn。那还是我第一次尝试这东西呢。这popcorn会吃上隐的。我们几个就一边吃一边说:this is very fattening。。 okok this is the last one, 怎知,结果没两下子,整罐就通通进肚子去了。我赶快向她要了食谱。这里老外都喜欢喝啤酒,这小食也很下酒 ,这也是一个简单又讨好的BBQ聚餐可以带给朋友的手信。Summer一到,要去的BBQ的集会可多呢,如果碰到要上班,没时间做复杂的糕点,这简单的食谱就有用武之地了咯。 我尝试做给我老公吃,他给这popcorn取名为:crazy popcorn。


1 packet Uncle Toby microwave popcorn
125g butter
¼ cup glucose syrup
¾ cup brown sugar
200 cashew nuts

1.)    Pre-heat oven to 180 C. Roast nuts until golden brown.
2.) Pop the popcorn in the microwave as the instructions (takes about 2 minutes)
3.)    Mix glucose syrup, sugar and butter and cook until boil and simmer for 5 mins.
4.)    Pour syrup over the popcorn and nuts mix.
5.)    Turn oven down to 160 C
6.)    Lay the popcorn caramel in baking tray and bake for 25 – 30 mins until brown.

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