Hei taas! N�lk�iset linnut ovat taas t��ll�. Kiitos taas
kommenteistanne. On ollut mukavaa n�hd� miten paljon keskustelua
kouluruokamme on her�tt�nyt. Kommenteissanne on ollut my�s paljon
kysymyksi� joten vastaamme t�n��n muutamaan.
Suomessa 1-2-luokkalaisilla on koulu 20 tuntia, 3-4 luokkalaisilla 23 ja
5-6 -luokkalaisilla 25 tuntia. Koulup�iv�t voivat olla melko lyhyit� ja
koulu voi loppua jo klo 12. Ekaluokkalaiset voivat osallistua
iltap�iv�kerhoon, joka on maksullinen. Muutoin menemme kotiin tai
esimerkiksi isovanhempien luokse. Monesti menemme kuitenkin yksin
kotiin. On tavallista ett� vanhemmat tulevat t�ist� noin klo 17.
T�n��n koulussamme vieraili paikallisradiosta toimittaja kysellen t�m�n
viikon projektistamme. Toimittaja my�s ruokaili kanssamme. Ohjelma tulee
huomenna aamulla radiosta, laitamme mahdollisesti huomenna linkin t�nne.
T�n��n lounaamme oli kasvissosekeittoa, suomalaista ruisleip��, juustoa
ja tomaattiviipaleita. Keitto n�ytti mielest�mme v�h�n oudolta, mutta
ruisleip� kruunasi aterian.
Hello folks! Hungry birds here again! Thanks again for your comments. It
has been very nice to see how much conversation our school lunch
raises. There have been also lot of questions so today we are going to
give you some answers.
Some of you were asking what we do when our school ends. In Finland
pupil in 1st and 2nd year have 20 lessons per week. 3rd and 4th year
have 23 lessons and 5th and 6th year have 25 lesson per week. So school
days and quite short and sometimes your school day may end as early as
12 o'clock. Pupils in the 1st grade can attend to special afternoon club
which their parents have to pay. Sometimes we go to our grandparents or
home with our parents. But in most cases we have to go home alone.
Typically our parents come home from work at 5pm. Many of us have made
some agreements with our parents that we do our homework and take some
snack before we can meet our friends.
Today in our school visited a reporter from local radio station making
some interview about our project in NeverSeconds. She asked lot of
questions what we like our school meals. She had also lunch with us.
Program will be sent tomorrow morning. If it's possible we send you a
link where you can here us.
Today our lunch was vegetable soup made from potatoes, carrots, onions,
broccoli and courgette. We also had pure Finnish rye bread, cheese and
tomato slices. The soup looked little funny, but the bread was a crown
of todays meal. You can reed more about rye bread from here:
Food-o meter: 6/10
Mouthfuls: 27
Courses: Main
Healthiness: 9/10
Price: 0e
Pieces of hair: 1 (really!)
See you again tomorrow! Bye!
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دروس -الكتروتقني - السنة الثالثة كهروتقني اكاديمي ودروس الكترونيك بمختلف الاشكال اعمال تطبقية اعمال موجهة بحوث ........صور ......تجار...
دروس -الكتروتقني - السنة الثالثة كهروتقني اكاديمي ودروس الكترونيك بمختلف الاشكال اعمال تطبقية اعمال موجهة بحوث ........صور .........
دروس -الكتروتقني - السنة الثالثة كهروتقني اكاديمي ودروس الكترونيك بمختلف الاشكال اعمال تطبقية اعمال موجهة بحوث ........صور ......تجارب ...
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