在我上眉豆糯米糕过后,很多朋友都回应没吃过那个糕点,觉得有点奇怪,以为自己上错菜了。还好一位马六甲的朋友在留言里告诉我那个糕真的好像只有马六甲才有,我才觉得安心。今天上的是Putu Piring, 这个因该不会是马六甲才有的吧!!Putu Piring在新加坡是称为Kueh Tutu (我也不知到为什么在马来西亚这个kuih 是Putu做的而新加坡是由Tutu来做). 老实说我也有听人家叫这个糕为Kutu Piring嘻嘻!管他Putu,Tutu还是Kutu,其实他们都是属于同一种糕点。在马六甲的摆摊卖Putu Piring的不是很多。但是想到要吃这糕点是,一定是想到Tengkera那一摊卖了几十年的Putu Piring. 我很爱吃这个糕,记得曾经一度天天报道,后来可能吃腻了,就又很久都没上那档口。Aspiring 这个月的主题traditional kuih实在令我沟起了很多在马六甲生活的回忆。那天做糕时感触流泪了,因为在这里,做糕要自己做,自己吃,好像很惨,也很想家!
这个糕我先后试蒸了两次,第一次没有盖上湿布,蒸出来的糕很干。第二回就用water bath的方式,在托盘上加些水和在糕上盖上湿布,保持糕的湿度。传统的Putu Piring 模也是用湿布裹着蒸糕点才能保持糕的湿嫩。
2 cups of rice flour
160 ml water + 1/2 tsp of salt, mixed well
6 pandan leaves, torn into pieces
1/3 cup of desiccated coconut with 1/2 tsp of salt, steamed
150 g gula melaka
For serving:
banana leaves
1/3 cup grated coconut
6 pandan leaves, torn into pieces
1/3 cup of desiccated coconut with 1/2 tsp of salt, steamed
150 g gula melaka
For serving:
banana leaves
1/3 cup grated coconut
1. On a big wok, fried rice flour with pandan leaves over medium high heat for about 3-4 minutes. Take out the leaves and leave it to cool.
2. Combine finely grated gula melaka and grated coconut.
2. Combine finely grated gula melaka and grated coconut.
3. Pour water on to the roasted flour. Using a sieve, press the dough through to form A breadcrumd texture.
4. Take a spoonful of rice crumble onto the mould. Add in 2 tsp of gula melaka filling and cover it with another spoonful of rice crumble.
5. Use water bath method and cover kuih with wet cloth and steam for 5 minutes. Serve on a banana leaf and sprinkle with steamed grated coconut.
Fried rice flour with pandan leaves for 4 -5 minutes
Sift rice mixture to become a fine rice crumble
Make sure the rice crumble fully covered the bottom of the mould before adding gula melaka mixture. Or else if gula melaka mixture touches the bottom of the mould, kuih will break on the surface and difficult to separate from mould。
I pour some water into the steam tray (to create a water bath) and cover the kuih with wet towel to preserve the moisture of the kuih.
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