اعضاء متميزون

الأربعاء، 26 ديسمبر 2012

Flag Counter Widget for Blog

Add a free counter to any webpage and collect flags from all over the world. Every time someone from a new country visits your site, a flag will be added to your counter. Not only will this make your site far more interesting, but clicking on your Flag Counter will reveal amazing information and charts!

Skip registering, if you wants to use it as a free widget

Click Here To Go To The Flag Counter Site

If you have a problem to install html/java script it in blogspot, [Click Here]


Flag Counter

الاثنين، 24 ديسمبر 2012

Open and Close tab by clicking / Hide a widget

To build a open and close tab widget by clicking the button Open. This widget ideal if the sidebar is too many and crowded

  • Go to Layout and click an Add A Gadget.
  • Select HTML/Javascript widget.
  • Copy the green Html/Javascript code below and paste it inside the content box.

Copy / paste this code into your site

  • Put any widget /  gadget that you want to hide between the red tag 

<!---Insert A Widget Here---> 

put html javascript here

<!---Insert A Widget Here---> 

    If you have a problem to install html/java script it in blogspot, [Click Here]

    Try the sample below.



    الأحد، 23 ديسمبر 2012

    Felix New Version

    A screenmates as for your desktop widget. This black and white cat will play all over your computer screen. This screenmates is an improve version of FelixII and have many toys and side games too. a Virtual Cat (the home of clever cats)

    click here to download it


    Go to the site by clicking here

    الثلاثاء، 18 ديسمبر 2012

    ما هى مواقع اختصار الروابط وكيف اربح منها ؟

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    اولا هنـاك طرق عديدة للربح عن طريق الانترنت ولكن فى هذه المدونة سوف نناقش طريقة الربح
    من خلال الموقع الرائد فى اختصار الروابط والربح منها وهو موقع Adf.ly

    فما هى مواقع اختصار الروابط ؟

    هى مواقع تقوم باختصار اى رابط طويل ملئ بالكلمات والاحرف الكثيرة باخر قصير وسهل

    اذا فكيف نربح من خلالها ؟

    نقوم نحن باختصار روابط لدينا ( افلام - مواقع - الخ .. ) ثم ننشرها فى صفحات الفيس بوك مثلا
    وعندما يضغط عليها اى شخص فانه ينتقل الى اعلان قصير لمدة 5 ثوانى ثم ينتقل الى الرابط الاصلى
    بعد انتهاء مدة الاعلان (5 ثوانى)
    وطبعا عندما يقوم اى شخص بالنقر على هذا الرابط فاننا نربح من خلاله .

    عندما اربح من هذا الموقع اذا فكيف استطيع ان استلم هذه الارباح ؟

    عن طريق البنوك الالكترونية وبالاخص بنك ليبرتى ريسيرف او بايبال
    لانهم هم الذين يعتمدهم موقع Adf.ly

    ولكن لا امتلك حساب على اى من هذه البنوك ؟

    بالتأكيد سأعمل على شرح كيفية التسجيل فى بنك ليبرتى ريسيرف لاستلام ارباحك

    وفى النهاية لماذا ADF.LY   ؟؟

    • يدفع الموقع فى موعده دون اى تأخير
    • الحد الادنى لاستلام ارباحك 5 دولار
    • موقع صادق ويوجد له اثباتات دفع كثيرة
    • دعم فنى رائع من خلال منتدى ADF.LY
    • يدفع حوالى 2 $  لكل 1000 مشاهدة

    يمكنك ان تعتقد ان 1000 مشاهدة كثيرة وكيف سآتى انا ب1000 مشاهدة
    ولكن معنا باذن الله سوف تتحصل على الاآآآف المشاهدات
    فقط تتبع خطواتنا ..

    اذا ننتقل الى الخطوة الاولى وهى كيفية التسجيل فى موقع ADF.LY

    Adfly Announcement have problem with over protective DDoS protection

    16/12/2012 Due to over protective DDoS protection, some legitimate traffic has been blocked in the last 48 hours. This is now fixed and we are monitoring the situation.

    ^this i saw today while pasting links it was given innotification btw when t problem going to be solved coz i got very less views for that

    But why we still got very few views? Started this morning at 11.00 until now 12.47 got only 2 views..Visitor coming in and out from my site.

    If views are still not working, then it will be worked on again and again tills its fixed.

    Join adf.ly

    الأحد، 16 ديسمبر 2012

    Than Just Add Facebook, Page, Group, Linkedin, Tumblr, forum etc.. an make autopilot

    I already change @sportmessi to @andikhm01

    Profile Twitter
    Name : Lionel Messi
    account: @SportMessi
    Number of Tweets : 154.912
    Number of Tweets a day: 1.043 tgl (12-12-12)
    Number of Followers : 6.241

    Follower Addition a day: 30

    Make Autopilot with this way


    Next make facebook page than connect with twitter. Please help me to like this page
    Before You make page of course you make facebook first

    Than you can make a group on your facebook. please Join in a group you can post your adfly link here
    Then Make a Blog on Blogger
    Next you can add Tumblr, linkedin etc... good luck..
    5 minutes ago · Like

    sharing to numerous forum... of course adfly forum as well
    GOOD LUCK !!!

    join adf.ly

    الجمعة، 14 ديسمبر 2012

    Add A table In Blogspot

    The main problem in this blogspot is there is no table that friendly user. The Problem if you copy a table in Microsoft program is you cannot adjust the width, colour inside it and etc.

    When using html code, the code is more complicated and beginer or person who have no basics cannot do anything.
    Go to Tableizer!

    I meet this site tableizer!. Click HERE to get to the site. Cool site that made table in blogspot, easy. A quick tool for creating HTML tables out of spreadsheet data.

    * If you have a problem to install html/java script it in blogspot, please click [here]

    Tabbed your Crowded Widget / Gadjet

    Since there are too many widgets that interest you, the side bar of your blog will expand to a long scroll down. You must be worried sometimes, stumble upon a beautiful / stylo gadget but there is no place to put it. Don't worries, because this widget can group them into one simple tab and easy to install, no need to copy and paste it again into a complicated html script. Sample of this widget view here

    So why using this tab widget / tab content box:

    • Accommodates unlimited number of widgets.
    • Keeps the tabbed widgets’ original appearance.
    • Fully widgetized for ease of installation and removal. If you don’t like what it does, simply remove the HTML/Javascript gadget.
    • Go to Layout and click an Add A Gadget.
    • Select HTML/Javascript widget.
    • Leave the title box blank.
    • Copy the green code below and paste it inside the content box.
    If you have a problem to install html/java script it in blogspot, please click [here]

    Copy / paste this code into your site

    **Note (find the text and edit)

    • Specify the value tabCount : 3  .This value equals the number of widgets (underneath the tabber widget) that you want to turn into tabs. change number 2 means the 2 tab below it will be group together.
    • The default box background color is white (#fff). Apply the same color for the active tab’s background and bottom border (below it).
    • This widget must remain unnamed (picture below) and all the tab you want to put inside this widget MUST have a name.

    Auto Pilot Adfly-TwitterFeed-Twitter make money while sleeping

    note : I have change @sportmesi to @andikhm01
    Number of Tweets

    Number of Followers Progress

    How to make easy money using Adfly and twitter. 

    With this method, you can post RSS feeds automagically to a Twitter account, so you can earn money even while you sleep!!!

    What do you need?

    An Adf.ly Account


    A Twitter Account

    http://twitter.com )

    A Twitterfeed account

    http://twitterfeed.com )

    Step 1: Create and login to your adfly account using the link above and then click the "Advanced Settings" button in adf.ly and go to "shorten link through", there is a drop down box beside it, open it up and scroll to the bottom and select "Custom", Leave it empty for now and go back to Adf.ly, while logged in to adf.ly go to the top of the page and click Tools, on the tools page go to "API Documentation" and click.

    On this page you will see a link that looks like this 


    # represents your id and key.

    Make a note of this, or keep it open in another tab, you will need it in a second. 

    Step 2: Look for interesting feeds. Maybe some news, blogs, or anything. Make it look professional so you can gain more followers. Aim for English-US audiences in mind as it's the Top-tier.

    Step 3: Create your Twitter account and then a twitterfeed account. Link both of them. exposing it's an adf.ly link.

    Step 4: Add RSS feeds to your twitterfeed account.

    For example, it we were going to add the CNN feed, the link would go like this: http://rss.cnn.com/rss/edition.rss

    Step 5: In twitterfeed "Shorten link through" choose custom and paste this link

    Now take your key and uid and place it in this link (replace the # with your key and uid)

    Step 5:Add a lot of feeds, but not too much. We don't want to scare people right?. Add a lot of friends and you're ready to go. Try to add #teamfollowback people first, to increase your followers count, and then go for the real deal. Use your imagination.

    Hope this help you to earn a LOT OF MONEY!

    you can also use this method..

    Read more : http://andik4adfly.blogspot.com/2012/01/twitter-method-to-make-money-with-adfly.html

    the fact that number of click is really bad.. yeah that is twitter...but...

    Number of Clicks really bad
    But sometimes astonish you http://andik4adfly.blogspot.com/2012/10/twitter-effectivity-in-adfly-bussiness.html

    but some time have a lot of views (413 views) it happened on august 2012

    Free Adf.ly Bot ☆Working☆ With ☆Proxy List☆ Direct Download Link!☆

    Are You Believe this bot work??? I think There is no bot for adf.ly

    join adf.ly

    AdFly Secret To Earn Money - Simply and Easy (NEW)

    AdFly Secret To Earn Money - Simply and Easy (NEW)

    How To Earn Money With Adfly, How To Make 10$ per day with Adfly & Twitter, How To Make More Money Using Adf.ly and Facebook, How Is Working Autopilot Method of using Adf.ly, How To, How To...

    AdFly Secret To Earn Money - Simply and Easy
    How To Make Money With AdFly. Here, you will find many tutorials on AdF.ly earnings. How to attract more people to click on your links, how to make big internet traffic, how to earn more money!

    Tutorial for new members, how to use adfly and everything related to adfly
    Good way to make money
    Make More Money Using Adf.ly and Facebook
    How to earn more money with Adf.ly.
    Basic Adf.ly Tricks
    Make 10$ per day with Adfly & Twitter




    Standard YouTube License

    New Adf.ly Video Enjoy

    AdFly (NEW)
    AdFly is one of the easiest and best ways to earn online. This is a free URL shortener service that pays you to share on the Internet.

    Tutorial for new members, how to use adfly and everything related to adfly
    Good way to make money
    Make More Money Using Adf.ly and Facebook
    How to earn more money with Adf.ly.
    Basic Adf.ly Tricks
    Make 10$ per day with Adfly & Twitter

    How To Make Money With AdFly. Here, you will find many tutorials on AdF.ly earnings. How to attract more people to click on your links, how to make big internet traffic, how to earn more money!




    Standard YouTube License

    الخميس، 13 ديسمبر 2012

    Cherry Cheesecake & Orange Panna Cotta with Mango Gelée

    这是我2012年最后一个贴子了,这几天还是很忙碌的在工作,然后就要急急的收拾行李和老公度假去。 这是上个礼拜我们家温馨的圣诞晚餐。之前也提及和家婆商讨了今年一切从简,所以大家各自准备一道菜肴,那么我就自然比较轻松,不必一人独苦!!

    Starter Salmon Roulade(家婆负责)
    Side:    Potato Salad (姑姑负责)
    Dessert:  Cherry Cheesecake (我负责)
                   Orange Panna Cotta with Mango Gelée. (我负责)

    当天的晚餐虽然简单,但是都合大家口味,尤其喜欢家婆Salmon Roulade。 食谱她说以后才补上。吃着吃着,姑姑问起怎么没拍主菜和她的salad,喔,对hor。。但是食物已经一半在肚子里了啦,抱歉抱歉。呵呵。。。!那样也好,不用老是要客人等我拍照才可以动刀叉对吧!

    这褶贴子整理得有点仓促,希望见谅了。在这里还是要谢谢大家一年来支持Helena‘Kitchen。 也祝大家圣诞和新年快乐!

    Cherry Cheesecake

    *To prepare the cheesecake, start a day ahead by making the macerated cherries

    Macerated Cherries
    20 cherries (pitted)
    1 cup cherry brandy
    1 tbsp sugar
    1 tsp lemon juice

    Combine all ingredients and let it soak overnight.

    10 Arnott’s shredded wheatmeal biscuits
    60g pistachio
    2 tablespoons (packed) golden brown sugar
    1/8 teaspoon salt
    8 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted 
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract

    1/4 cup water
    15g gelatin powder
    340g Philadelphia-brand cream cheese, room temperature
    250g heavy whipping cream
    140g caster sugar
    1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
    1 cup chopped macerated cherry
    1 drop of pink food colouring


    For crust:
1. Preheat oven to 180°C. Blend first 4 ingredients in processor until crackers are finely ground. Add melted butter and vanilla; process until moist crumbs form.

    2. Press crumb mixture onto 8-inch-diameter springform pan. Bake crust until deep golden brown, about 15 minutes. Cool.

    For filling:
    1. Pour 1/4 cup water into small saucepan; sprinkle gelatin over. Let stand 10 minutes. Stir over very low heat just until gelatin dissolves. Set aside.

    2. Blend cream cheese, sugar, lemon juice and food colouring in processor until smooth (about 2-3 minutes on medium speed). With machine running, add warm gelatin mixture through feed tube and blend well. Turn the mixer speed to low and add berries puree until smooth. Add in cream and beat until mixture is well combine. Pour filling into crust. Chill until set about 4 hours.

    Chocolate Mirror Glaze (镜面巧克力淋酱)

    80ml water
    50g caster sugar
    4g gelatin
    30g cocoa powder
    80ml thicken cream

    1. Pour water over gelatin powder in a heat proof bowl. Let it sit for 5 minutes. Then sit the bowl over a double boiler, stir the gelatin until it dissolves. Sift in cocoa powder and stir well.

    2. Add sugar to cream, in a saucepan heat the cream and sugar until sugar dissolves. Add in cocoa mixture and mix well. Pour over chilled cheesecake and set for overnight.

    Recipe adapted from:
    Cherry Cheesecake - Helena’s kitchen
    Chocolate Mirror Glaze – Carol自在生活

    Ingredients: (Make 5-6)
    For Orange Panna Cotta
    120ml milk

    600ml pouring cream

    150g castor sugar
(I used 110g)
    10g gelatine powder

    1 tsp finely grated orange zest
    1tsp vanilla extract

    For the mango gelée:
    2 medium mangoes (make 200g mango purée)
    100g diced mango
    30g caster sugar
    4g gelatine powder

    1. Pour milk into a small bowl, stir in gelatin and set aside.

    2. Place cream, sugar, zest and vanilla in a saucepan. Slowly bring to boil, stirring until sugar dissolves. Remove from heat, add gelatin mixture and stir until gelatin dissolves.

    3. Set aside to cool for 15 mins. Strain mixture and pour into prepared moulds. To make the “angle” effect, arrange the moulds in an egg tray and tilt a little.

    4. Refrigerate for an hour until panna cotta slightly set. In the mean time prepare for mango gelée.

    5. Peel the mangoes and cut away the flesh from the seed. Puree them finely.

    6. Add sugar to half of the mango puree in a saucepan and warm over low heat until sugar dissolve. Remove the saucepan from the stove and stir in gelatin until gelatin dissolves. Add the remaining mango puree and stir well. Add in the diced mango and let the gelée cool to the room temperature and pour over set panna cotta. Chill to set at least 4 hours.

    Recipe adapted from:
    Panna Cotta- The Australian Magazine, May 28-29 2011
    Mango Gelée –Anhs Food Blog

    我在巴厘岛买了这个napkin rings, 当天要用时才发现ring 很小怎样挤都不能把餐巾挤进去,于是就快快上youtube求救。。原来摺餐巾也是一门学问!

    Luigi video clip -How to set up napkin rings

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