اعضاء متميزون

الأربعاء، 30 نوفمبر 2011


今天是十二月一日,距离圣就只有二十四天了。往年的圣诞餐都是在家婆那里吃,今年是我第一年当人家的媳妇,就乖乖的接下这个任务,邀请了家人来我家集餐。我从答应这个任务后,就很烦,不知道要弄些什么吃的。所以也参考了很多圣诞杂志和书籍,看看要为家人准备些什么好吃的。 偶然的在一本旧杂志里翻到这个看上来挺容易的圣诞甜点,就试试做吧。


p.s. 这个不会是圣诞餐的甜点,因为已经被派掉和吃掉了!哈哈!

3 rice paper sheets
245g whole roasted almonds
145g whole roasted hazelnuts
80g Brazil nuts
100g candied orange peel, coarsely chopped
100g candied figs, quartered
100g red glace cherries
100g plain flour
½ tsp ground cardamom
2 tsp finely grated orange rind
100ml honey
30g brown sugar
30g caster sugar
2tbs water

1. ) Preheat oven to 160C. Lightly grease and line the base and sides of a 20cm round shallow cake pan with edible rice paper.

2.) Place the almonds, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, orange peel, figs, cherries, flour, cardamom and orange rind in a large bowl.

3.) Combine the honey, sugar and water in a saucepan over low heat. Cook stirring, occasionally brushing the sides of the pan to remove any sugar crystals, for 5 minutes or until sugar dissolves. Increase heat to high and bring to the boil. Cook without stirring for 2to 3 minutes or until a sugar thermometer reaches 116 C (soft ball stage). Remove from heat and add to the nut flour mixture. Quickly stir to combine and transfer to the prepared pan. Use your hands to press the mixture to flatten.

4.) Bake in preheated oven for 45 minutes. Remove from the oven and set aside to cool completely in the pan. Run a sharp knife around the edge of the pan to loosen and turn onto a clean work surface. Store in airtight container.

Reference : Notebook Magazine Issue 52, 2009, page 153

الثلاثاء، 29 نوفمبر 2011

Not Quite Magnolia Cupcakes

提起cupcakes,喜欢烘培的朋友因该对Magnolia Bakery New York cupcakes不会陌生。这个cupcake因为在Sex And The City,被搬上荧幕后,就一炮而红。剧里两位主角(Carrie Marinda)谈论着新欢的一幕,一边吃着这家店的cupcake,这样的情况之下那家店的vanilla vanilla pink frosting)的那款于是成了店里最销的那一款。所以嘛。。很多事情都得靠天时地利人和来造就的。

那天看到ShirleyKokken69)贴了有关这家店的post请参考这里,激起了我对Magnolia cupcakes 的好奇心。我没到过纽约,没试过Magnolia的蛋糕,只是觉得他们家的蛋糕五彩缤纷,看了会让人很心动,也开心。我问了身边有尝过这家店的蛋糕的朋友们的意见,大家各有说法,但是很一致的认为蛋糕很甜。很庆幸的,我在网上看到了Magnolia Cupcake 的食谱,也很谢谢Shieley post上去的 铺奶油的过程, 。其实做这个蛋糕,真正的目的在于学习那个铺奶油的手法。看画面,店员很顺手的很快的就把奶油铺得美美的,而且那个signiture沟结尾是重点喔。看是容易,做起来原来不简单,所以我的沟全都没了哈哈!所以我的这个cupcake是冒牌Magnolia Cupcake-我只好给取名为:Not Quite Magnolia Cupcake咯!




   1 1/2 cups (190g) self-rising flour

   1 1/4 (160g) cups all-purpose flour
   1 cup (227g) unsalted butter, softened
   2 cups (400g) sugar  (I actually cut the sugar down to 220g)
   4 large eggs, at room temperature
   1 cup (250ml) milk
   1 teaspoon vanilla extract

I used my left over icing from my Golden Pear Cupcakes
Preheat oven to 180C.
Line 2 (1/2 cup-12 capacity) muffin tins with cupcake papers.
In a small bowl, combine the flours. Set aside.
In a large bowl, on the medium speed of an electric mixer, cream the butter until smooth. Add the sugar gradually and beat until fluffy, about 3 minutes. Add the eggs, 1 at a time, beating well after each addition. Add the dry ingredients in 3 parts, alternating with the milk and vanilla. With each addition, beat until the ingredients are incorporated but do not over beat. Using a rubber spatula, scrape down the batter in the bowl to make sure the ingredients are well blended. Carefully spoon the batter into the cupcake liners, filling them about 3/4 full. Bake for 18 to 20 minutes, or until a cake tester inserted into the center of the cupcake comes out clean.
Cool the cupcakes in tins for 15 minutes. Remove from the tins and cool completely on a wire rack before icing.

Recipe Adapted from : 

الجمعة، 25 نوفمبر 2011

Raspberry Meringue Rose Cupecakes

几天又是不停的在工作,2011年接近尾声,好像有很多事都要在年之前完。很忙! 前两天是我第一次和警察一起追病人,从我的病房追到另一个楼去,因警察不得病人的子,所以派了我去一起捕捉病人(不是犯人)。病人最后是乖乖的投降,被上了手扣呢!哎哟,么久也是第一次看病人被上的,挺可怜的。然是上了,我的心是很不安,很怕病人sot起来拔了警察的,向我开来。了,我警察和病人走在前,我在后面远远的跟着,万一有什么静,我是可以拔足逃离,哈哈! 回家跟老公细诉故事的经过和我想如何逃脱的想象力,老公竟然笑说,你以为警察的枪真有这么容易拔,有上锁的啊!原来是这样的吗,下次等我去问问警察先生个清楚。

看到很多blog朋友都很怕吃上了厚厚一层frostingcupcake。做了这个一点都不油腻的玫瑰花 meringue cupcake topping。喜欢的话也可以试试。剩下的meringue, 也可以当饼干吃。甜甜脆脆可爱玫瑰花meringue 送礼一点也不孙色喔!

Raspberry Chocolate Cupcake Ingredients:
(Makes 16)
250g unsalted butter, softened
180g caster sugar
4 eggs
1 tsp vanilla essense
185g self-raising flour, sifted
60g plain flour, sifted
30g unsweetened cocoa
185ml milk
40g raspberry chopped


1) Preheat the oven to 180°C.

2) Beat the butter and sugar and vanilla essence together with electric beaters until light and creamy. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Fold in flour alternately with milk. Fold in the chopped raspberry. Divide the mixture evenly among the cases. Bake for 18-20 minutes, or until a skewer comes on clean when inserted into the centre of a cake. Transfer onto a wire rack to cool.

Chocolate Dipped-Raspberry Meringue Roses:
3 large egg whites
1 package (85g) Aeroplane raspberry jelly
1/4 cup caster sugar
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
Dark Chocolate Melts

Preheat the oven to 95C. Line 2 baking pans with baking sheets.

Place the egg whites in a large bowl and with an electric mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, beat on medium until frothy. Pour the Jelly, into the bowl in a slow, steady stream. Turn mixer on high and continue to beat until the egg whites are stiff and shiny, about 5 minutes.  Add vanilla extract until just combined.

Scrape the meringue into a pastry bag fitted with a medium star tip and pipe the cookies onto the lined baking sheets.  Starting in the middle and make 2 full circles, about 2-inch in diameter and 1 1/2-inch apart. 

Bake the meringues until they are firm, about 2 hours. Turn off the oven and leave them in there overnight.

Microwave chocolate melts uncovered on medium 50% for 1 minute, stir. Repeat process until chocolate just melted.  Slightly cool melted chocolate before dipping the bottom of the meringue roses and place them on top of the cupcake.

Reference :
Cupcake, a fine selection of sweet treats, pg26 and 

就是单吃Raspberry Meringue Roses也觉得甜蜜爽口!

الثلاثاء، 22 نوفمبر 2011

Alice In The Wonderland Cupcakes

那天我在nursing station坐着法白日梦,然后就坐在我身一位要好的同事(L)看她有什么梦想。我不能要中福利部彩票,一定要是可以践的梦想。L 想了一下说:“我都40岁了,想要可以还完屋期,车期,然后一个礼拜只上三天班,然后可以做一些自己想做的事“。对啊,这时很多人都梦想的生活,但是往往这个很简单的梦想都是迟迟不能实践。我们不停的做,拼命的做,但是怎么还是有很多不能满足的欲望啊!屋期,车期还完了,真的可以做少了吗?如果这个世界可以是一个wonderland那该多好啊!

上两个礼拜,ward很情况安定,同事(B)问我想不想学做fondant cupcake。她可以带一些来ward教我基本花样造型。我当然很高兴啦。于是我们便把这个节目安排在周末,然后召集有兴趣的病人和我们一起做icing cupcake。这还是我第一次接触fondant icing。真是太好玩了。回家路途,即刻跑去买了icingcutters等机会自己来摸索一番。一连值了6天的班,终于今天休假了,可以出发了。今天给大家分享Alice in the Wonderlandfondant icing cupcakes。希望这个世界处处都是Wonderland

Macadamia Cupcake Ingredients:
(Makes 12)
185g unsalted butter, softened
170g caster sugar
3 eggs
1/2 tsp vanilla essense
125g self-raising flour, sifted
30g plain flour, sifted
125ml milk
50g macadamia nuts chopped

Fondant icing
Food colouring

1) Preheat the oven to 180°C.

2) Beat the butter and sugar and essence together with electric beaters until light and creamy. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Fold in flour alternately with milk. Fold in the nutrs. Divide the mixture evenly among the cases. Bake for 18-20 minutes, or until a skewer comes on clean when inserted into the centre of a cake. Transfer onto a wire rack to cool.

Fondant icing topping please refer to Not Quite Nigella for step by step process.

Reference:  Cupcake, a fine selection of sweet treats, and  Not Quite Nigella




الأحد، 20 نوفمبر 2011

芝麻海苔肉丝面包(汤种)Sesame Seaweed Pork Floss Sweet Buns(Yukone Method)

上个礼拜约了Jane去她的地头逛街,顺便带了kuih lapis给师傅品尝。我们从逛百货公司就一路逛到华人店去办货。她那边的华人人口比较多,相比就有比较齐全的华人食品。我从来没在澳洲买过肉丝,我们俩站在肉丝部门看了很久,还是不知道选那里一个品牌因为听讲市场上有很多黑心肉干/肉丝,很怕吃坏了身体,最终还是选了一个本地品牌。无端端为什么买肉丝?就是因为想念Bread Talk的肉丝面包咯!


食谱是参考:Kokken69  和 Jane's Corner

50g 高筋面粉

160克高筋面粉,40克普通面粉, 50糖,2克匙7克即溶酵母,50克水,1个蛋

芝麻海苔肉丝(大约144g, 分成12g一份)

Cheddar 乳酪片3片,(一片分成4小片)
芝麻海苔鱼粒 (*日本料理店/部门可以找到)

1.  在75g水中,加入高筋面粉50g, 拌成,盖上保膜, 放入冰箱12后取出使用.

2. 把材料A倒入拌盆中, 拌器先慢速2

3. 加入种,继续以低速3成中速继续搅拌。

4. 搅拌成及有筋性,才加入B 用慢速拌, 中速。拌至可拉开薄膜的段。

5. 取出面,放入已抹油的大碗中, 酵成双倍大

6. 取出面,排气,将面分成12(40g 一份)松弛15钟.

7. 把面团擀型,包入馅料行最后酵。

8. 发酵完刷上蛋液, 排上cheddar 乳酪片洒上芝麻海

9. 放入预热180‘C的烤箱, 12-15

Water Roux:
50g Bread Flour
75g boiling water

Bread Dough:
160g Bread Flour, 40g Plain Flour, 7g Active Dry East, 50g Sugar, 2g Salt, 1 Egg 
 40g Butter
144g sesame seaweed pork floss
3 slices Cheddar Cheese, (quarter each to become 12 small square slices)
Salmon Furikake (rice seasoning) *(available in Japanese grocery shop/japanese food dept)
 Method :
1. Mix water roux ingredients together in a bowl. Cover bowl with cling wrap and store in fridge for 12 hours.

2. Add flour, yeast, sugar, salt,egg and water. Start mixing at slow speed for 2 mins. Add salt and continue to knead until dough lifts from the wall of the mixing bowl.

3. Add water roux and continue to knead for 3 mins.

4. Add butter and increasing kneading speed to medium high.

5. Continue kneading for 15 mins until dough is no longer sticky and does not break when pulled to perform window test.

6. Place dough in a slightly oiled bowl. Cover with cling wrap and leave to proof until double in size.

7. Divide dough into 12 balls, 40g each.

8. Roll each small ball into a round ball and leave to proof for 15mins.

9. Flatten each ball and roll out to a circle with a rolling pin. Place 12g of pork floss filling in the center of the dough and wrap and seal the edges of the dough to form a ball.

10. Leave to proof until double in size (about 1 hour).

11. Brush with egg wash and top with cheddar cheese and sprinkle with salmon furikake rice seasoning.

12. Bake at 180C for 12-15mins until brown. 

13. Leave to cool.


الخميس، 17 نوفمبر 2011

Golden Pear Cupcakes

自从那天做了mini pizza cookies,用了那一丁点的marzipan之后,剩余的一直都在freezer等着下一个project。于是就成就了今天的金梨杯子小蛋糕。每次看到烘焙师傅用金粉来装饰蛋糕,觉得有一种华丽的感觉,可是我从来没有用过金粉于是很好奇的买了小罐的金粉回来试试。喜欢手工艺品的我当然觉得这个是挺好玩的玩意。我慢慢的将一颗一颗的梨子彩上金色,在加工后的梨子就变的华丽了许多。

今天这个frosting我是一个同事介绍给我的。因为她在几个月前去上了cupcake sugar icing 班,师傅介绍了这个给她们。 这个不含胆固醇的cream除了质地非常幼滑之外(好像McDonald’s Sundea),只需加上stabilizer打到硬挺就可以用了。做法非常简单,而且剩余的可以直接受入冰阁等要用时退冰就可再用。今天我又去了那家店里买东西,正巧有一位女士在问店员这个cream, 我很“鸡婆”的插把嘴,帮忙推销了一下哈哈!我不知道其他地方可不可以找到这个,但是因为蛋糕很松软就算搭上基本的whipped cream frosting 也可以一样可口。

今天就跟大家分享这个Golden Pear Cupcakes,也是来自同一本之前介绍过的书籍Cupcakes-a fine selection of sweet treats

Marzipan Pear (Refer to Mini Pizza Cookies)

1 ½ cups  (165g) ground almond
1 ½ cups icing sugar, sifted
¾ cup caster sugar
1 egg white
¼ tsp almond essence (optional)
1 tbsp cold water
a few drops of yellow colouring

1) To make marzipan place all ingredients in a food processer and pulse until the mixture comes together to form a firm paste. 

2) Shape the marzipan into pear shape. Brush with edible gold powder and top with clove stick. Leave to dry overnight for later use.

Pear Cupcake

150g unsalted butter, softened
100g brown sugar
2 eggs
1/4 tsp mocha paste (original recipe is without mocha flavour)
155g self-raising flour, sifted
125ml milk
135g tinned pears, well drained and chopped

1) Preheat the oven to 180°C.

2) Beat the butter and sugar together with electric beaters until light and creamy. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Mix in mocha paste. Fold in flour alternately with milk. Fold in the pears. Divide the mixture evenly among the cases. Bake for 18-20 minutes, or until a skewer comes on clean when inserted into the centre of a cake. Transfer onto a wire rack to cool.

3) Beat the Dream Whip until firm peaks form (approx. 15-20 minutes)

4) Decorate with Dream Whip and top with golden marzipan pear. 

Reference: Cupcake, a fine selection of sweet treats, pg34

Dream Whip-好吃,好用价钱又便宜的frosting


الثلاثاء، 15 نوفمبر 2011

Beehive Cupcakes

几个月前Cupcakes-a fine selection of sweet treats ,很喜。当初候,是因为书很美,很吸引。但是后来了几个当中的食都很意于是cupcake就成了我个月首的参阅书籍。我的部落里的cupcakes大部份都从里来的。

beehive cupcakes 早就想做了,只是苦于很难找这几只小蜜蜂。我知道市内David Jones有,但是我最近都很忙,懒惰去找。刚好那天我的病人要到市内逛逛,我就趁机托她帮我到DJ看有没有,果然她很厉害,还用相机拍了下来给我,看是不是我要找的蜜蜂。哈哈!没错没错就是这个了!昨天新加坡有朋友到访,于是就约了他在市区见面,趁机去扑蜜蜂。很辛苦才扑到这几只小蜜蜂回来。于是很兴奋的自己也变小蜜蜂般的在厨房忙了起来。

今天早早就起身,要赶六点钟去上班还要在上班前pipe cream 以防cream去到医院融掉。要这么早爬起身很牺牲啊!同事们一看到这几只蜜蜂都很雀跃的。哈哈! 纷纷拿相机拍下,说是要拍回家给孩子看。看来那几只小蜜蜂的魅力很强喔!其中一个同事还问我可不可以帮他做baby showercupcake,哈。。我真的还没做过baby showercupcake 叻!但是我还是答应了说不定以后不做这行可以转卖cupcakes也不定哈哈!

在这里分享一下,这个marshmellow frosting不错,不油腻而且很fluffy。不喜欢奶油cream的朋友不妨试一下这个。 我的同事即刻要了这个frosting的食谱。

(I make 8 from this recipe)

100g butter, softened
60g soft brown sugar
2 eggs
60g honey, warmed
140g self raising flour, sifted

Marshmallow Icing (frosting)
3 egg whites
250g sugar
2 tsp light corn syrup (I used glucose syrup)
pinch of cream of tartar
100ml water
1 tsp vanilla extract
yellow food coloring
8 toothpicks
8 chocolate foil wrapped bumblebees with wings
Sanding sugar (gold)

1.) Preheat oven 180C. Line pan with paper cases.

2.) Beat butter and sugar with electric beater until light and creamy. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Fold in honey and flour until combined. Divide the mixture evenly among the cases. Bake for 18-20 minutes or until a skewer comes out clean when inserted into the center of a cake. Transfer onto a wire rack to cool.

3.) To make the marshmallow icing, combine the egg whites, sugar, corn syrup, cream of tartar and 100ml of water in a heatproof bowl. Sit the bowl over a saucepan of simmering water; make sure the bowl does not touch the water. Beat for 5 minutes with electric beaters, or until mixture is light and fluffy. Remove from the heat. Add the vanilla and beat with electric beaters for 4-5 minutes, or until soft peak form. Add the coloring, drop-by-drop and beat until just combined.

4.) Spoon the icing into a piping bag fitted with a 1cm round nozzle, and pipe the icing in circles around the cake to resemble beehive. Pus the pointy end of the toothpick into the base of each bee and insert into each cake. Sprinkle with sanding sugar。

I am submitting this post to Aspiring Bakers #13 : Enjoy Cupcakes! (November 2011) hosted byMin of Min's Blog 

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